Chapter 312
He couldn't describe what kind of psychology he had when he insisted on asking Ouyang Jun to go back with him, he only knew that he was particularly displeased with Ouyang Jun staying overnight at Xia Yumo's place.

To him now, Xia Yumo... is just a strange woman who has met twice.

It is definitely a weird thing to have a weird attachment and bondage to a strange woman.

This strange feeling made him wonder what was going on between himself and Xia Yumo.

However, curiosity is curiosity, he didn't intend to ask anyone.

Judging from the current situation, if the result can be asked... Heh, then Xia Yumo will not be absent in his life since he lost his memory for a year.

He was just curious as to what caused the current situation.

Everything, you have to find out yourself.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Hanting realized that the cigarette in his hand had unknowingly burned to the top, and a long piece of soot had accumulated.

After stubbing out the cigarette butt, he leaned back in the chair and rubbed his forehead wearily.

There are so many things going on recently, he is so busy that he hardly even has time to rest.It's unbelievable to insist on waiting for Ouyang Jun to come down here at this time.

But he doesn't regret his decision.

It was already an hour after Ouyang Jun came down.

The whole person had a bitter face, a look of depression and grief.

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, "What are you?"

Ouyang Jun opened the car door and sat on the co-pilot, and said sullenly, "I failed your expectations, I failed to coax her well."

"And women you can't handle?"

"It's not because of you." Ouyang Jun muttered in a very low voice and not very clearly.

But Ouyang Hanting heard it clearly, "I really don't think it's going to bother you at all, right?"

Because of you, I even talked outside for an hour, but I didn't even go in, okay? !

Ouyang Jun rolled his eyes, slandered, and didn't want to say more.

He didn't say it, in addition to that little selfishness, it was also because of Ouyang Yinuo's confession and the interests of the Ouyang family.

Now that Ouyang Hanting and Dai Lisi are getting married soon, the marriage of two ancient families, Ouyang Family and Dai Family, shocked the world and was favored by everyone.

The two families being twisted into one rope means that they are united, and the status of the two families will rise to a new level in the future.

The five continents have almost become the world of two families. Ouyang Jun is not willing to interfere in the affairs of the family, but he is naturally happy to see the success of things that are beneficial to the family.

Xia Yumo sat on the bed with her legs crossed, her eyes fixed on the photo album in front of her. In the photo album were the photos she, Lin Jie'er and Ouyang Jun took over the past year.

What kind of existence is Ouyang Jun to her?

It's not easy for her to define herself. In short, with him, there will be a lot of joy.

In her eyes, this man who was several years younger than her was not a real man at all. At best, she regarded him as a big boy.

He can act like a baby and play tricks, and he can coax girls with a sweet mouth.

She, Lin Jie'er, and Ouyang Jun often go out to climb mountains or take short trips. The photos in the album are all taken when they were having fun.

She has always treated Ouyang Jun as her younger brother and friend, and has never shown any strangers to him. Even if they would bicker when they met, it was more of a joke.

She thought that Ouyang Jun should also be sincere and sincere.

As a result...he is Ouyang Hanting's cousin!

(End of this chapter)

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