Chapter 320 Frivolous Molestation

"I just know that right now, it's just the two of us, even though it's a public place."

Xia Yumo was taken aback by his sudden behavior, and after realizing it, she stretched out her hand to push him, but her strength was too weak compared to Ouyang's.

He couldn't push it away, he could only beat it, but Ouyang Hanting still had no intention of letting go.

Originally, Ouyang Hanting was just upset that he was disturbed by her, wanted to punish her, deliberately flirted with her, and had no other intentions.

Although he was interested in Xia Yumo and felt that the past between the two of them was not simple, he did not have any desire for Xia Yumo just because of this.

However, when he hugged Xia Yumo, when Xia Yumo beat him and resisted him, he couldn't help but frowned, and his brain hurt sharply.

Inexplicably, this scene seems very familiar, and the feeling of holding so comfortable and suitable.

It was as if he had hugged her countless times... He liked this feeling.

"let me go!"

Xia Yumo's eyes widened, but the beating was ineffective, so she simply used her elbow to bump it.

Even if it is a woman, it still hurts to bump her elbow.

Ouyang Hanting didn't expect her to be so ruthless and aggressive, her brows were so wrinkled that she could almost kill a fly.

"You are so hot, I really didn't see it!" The woman in front of her was like an angry little beast.

And his favorite thing to do seems to be taming little beasts.

If Xia Yumo half pushed and half agreed, he would find it boring.

"Ouyang Hanting, I want you to let me go!" Xia Yumo didn't care about Ouyang Hanting's expression or mentality at all, and still kicked and punched as much as possible, using her elbows as hard as she could.

Ouyang Hanting was a little annoyed, grabbed her bumping arm, clamped her wrist and pressed it directly above her head, and pressed it against the elevator wall. The coat that was originally on Xia Yumo's arm and the bag on her shoulder were all exhausted by physical strength. Dropped in the game.

Being grabbed by both wrists by Ouyang Hanting, Xia Yumo could be said to be clamped, squeezed against the elevator wall by him, completely lost her mobility, only her feet could barely move.

Almost without thinking, he raised his knee and tried to bump into him.

Ouyang Hanting admired that ruthlessness.

But praise is nothing but praise, the result was not optimistic for Xia Yumo at all.

Because soon Ouyang Hanting completely suppressed her, from top to bottom, only the neck could move.

It might be because Xia Yumo tried her best during the wrestling process, or it might be because she was so angry and powerless that her whole face was flushed from suffocation, and there was a slight sweat on her forehead.

The bangs were attached to her forehead, and Ouyang Hanting could clearly feel every breath she took.

This kind of acquaintance happened in a cramped elevator, and the air suddenly became ambiguous.

The surrounding atmosphere seems to have changed, some are stuffy and some are hot, and something that cannot be ignored is growing.

Xia Yumo felt angry and sad because of Ouyang Hanting's rudeness. To her, he lost his memory, but he was able to flirt with her so frivolously without memory, which meant that he would treat others like that. woman.

After all, she is not special to him now.

She couldn't imagine how chaotic Ouyang Hanting's private life would be now.

Thinking of the so-called tradition of the Ouyang family, and thinking of Dai Lisi beside him, his heart hurts as if being cut back and forth with a knife.

Even if everything was not Ouyang's original intention, she still felt uncomfortable and unacceptable.

"I'm not..." Ouyang Hanting's eyes became extraordinarily deep...

(End of this chapter)

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