Chapter 342
Xia Yumo suddenly lost her mind, she could only tidy up the table angrily, smashing the dishes and bowls.

If anyone else was watching, they would probably have to worry that those delicate dishes would be broken by her.

"Oh, it's too noisy here, it's not suitable for talking on the phone, I'd better go to the balcony."

On the balcony, Lin Jie'er turned her head to see Han Zirui coming, then looked at Xia Yumo inside who was angrily cleaning up the mess, smiled wryly, looked away, and fell on Han Zirui's face, "In order to cooperate with you, I made Momo angry broken."

Han Zirui shrugged, "But you are doing it for her own good, aren't you? When she calms down, she will understand."

Lin Jie'er crossed her chest and leaned against the balcony railing, "Actually, what Momo said is right, you are really cunning and cunning."

"Thank you for the compliment." This time Han Zirui corrected Lin Jieer, saying that he was not old.

"If you really like Momo, treat her well. Don't let her get hurt, otherwise, I don't need Momo to shovel your lair, I will go first." Speaking of this, he paused, "I can No matter what gangster you are, since I was able to help you get Momo to go to your place just now, I will definitely let Momo go!"

Han Zirui looked at Lin Jie'er with a smile. At this moment, Lin Jie'er was like an old hen protecting the chicks, with hair standing all over her body.

The posture was a bit ridiculous, but this love for Xia Yumo was admirable.

It's hard to say whether she can really shovel his lair, whether she can really influence Xia Yumo's thoughts.

However, she is Xia Yumo's best friend and the person she trusts the most, and this deserves to be taken seriously.

Therefore, Han Zirui said very seriously, "Don't worry, I will remember what you said. I will cherish her and love her in my own way. Otherwise, if you really shoveled my nest, I will be homeless." Are you ready to return?"

"It's not too bad!" Lin Jie'er raised her chin in satisfaction, not minding that she didn't know where her nest was at all.

Ouyang Hanting stared at the investigation report in his hand, his eyes were shocked at first, but after several changes, they froze to be as quiet and profound as a deep pool.

After a long time, he raised his head and stared quietly at the man with black-rimmed glasses in front of him.

His personal assistant, Chu Han.

Chu Han felt chills from being stared at by Ouyang Hanting, and a trace of cold sweat slid down his back.

He had been with Ouyang Hanting for so many years, and it was the first time he was stared at by Ouyang with such eyes.

The feeling of thorns on the back is really terrible!

"You already knew this, didn't you?"

The voice was calm, but with a terrifying chill, even a man like Chu Han, who was walking on the edge of life and death and thought that there was nothing to scare him, felt terrified.


Squeezing out the word from his throat, he tensed his nerves, waiting for Ouyang Hanting to lose his temper.

However, after waiting for a long time, Ouyang Hanting did not make a sound.

Can't help looking up curiously, but seeing Ouyang Hanting still staring at him, he was startled, and immediately lowered his head again.


After waiting anxiously for a long time, I only heard Ouyang Hanting ask these three words.

Chu Han froze for a moment, then pursed his lips.


Back then, Ouyang Hanting and Xia Yumo, his personal special assistant, watched them walk over.

In the beginning, Ouyang Hanting treated Xia Yumo badly in every possible way, and later he even wanted his life for Xia Yumo.

The existence of Xia Yumo has become a potential danger and weakness for Ouyang Hanting.

(End of this chapter)

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