Chapter 345

She didn't want to force herself to think about things she couldn't figure out.

all will be good.

When she really arrived at the resort where Ouyang Yinuo held her birthday banquet, Xia Yumo was relieved.

After Han Zirui got out of the car, he opened the car door for Xia Yumo very gracefully, then stretched out his arm, and squinted at her.

The meaning was obvious, asking her to wrap his arms around him and go in together.

Xia Yumo stood where she was, holding the hem of the dress with both hands, frowning.

The hem of this dress is comparable to the back of a wedding dress. One is not getting married, and the other is not walking on the red carpet. Wearing such a dress is really asking for trouble.

"Don't you see that my hands are busy? I don't have time to hold your arm."

The corners of Han Zirui's mouth twitched, his eyes moved down, and fell on her hands tightly holding the hem of her skirt. After a while, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's okay, your hands are busy, but mine are free. Since you don't have time to hold me, then Hold you well."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xia Yumo's consent, she stretched out her arm, hugged Xia Yumo's shoulder affectionately, and walked towards the hot spring castle of the resort with a half embrace.

Xia Yumo struggled instinctively, but she couldn't break free, but was hugged even tighter.

Han Zirui knew that if Xia Yumo couldn't follow along obediently, it would probably be very troublesome to walk all the way, so he simply whispered into her ear, "Momo, if you don't cooperate, I don't mind playing in front of everyone." Kissing. I haven't used my true skills on you yet, if you don't want me to break the Guinness World Record for the longest kiss here, you'd better be obedient, huh?"

While speaking, Han Zirui had a gentle smile on his face, his eyes were full of tenderness, and Xia Yumo's bowed and obedient posture, no matter how you looked at it, it was like whispering among lovers.

But who would have thought that this black-bellied fox was actually threatening?

Xia Yumo's face turned blue, of course she didn't want to be hugged by Han Zirui, let alone break any world record, so she could only endure her anger, give Han Zirui a hard look, and walked into the hot spring castle with Han Zirui's arms around her shoulders.

This resort has a long-standing reputation. Xia Yumo has heard of it a long time ago, but has never been to it.

One is that there is no time, and the other is that Ouyang Hanting never gave her this chance.

Then I didn't bother to come.

The hot spring resort is half a day's drive away from City A. It was almost noon when I came out early in the morning.

The resort was completely closed for Ouyang Yinuo's birthday banquet, and it was only open to guests who came to attend the birthday banquet.

Its ostentation was many times greater than when old master Qin passed his birthday.

Xia Yumo also came to the banquet this time to find out that this hot spring resort is actually an inconspicuous tourism industry of the Ouyang family. It is only because it is close to City A and just in time for Ouyang Yinuo to hold a birthday banquet in China. That's why I chose here.

The resort is huge, and the hot spring castle is only a small part of the resort, but it is the most popular place in the resort.

It is said that the hot spring castle, just like its name, all architectural styles are built in imitation of European castles, and there is a hot spring mountain inside, with more than a dozen natural hot spring pools, large and small.

Later, after manual excavation and design, there are always dozens of hot springs in various places.

You can soak in hot springs when you go up the mountain, visit antique buildings when you go down the mountain, and you can choose your favorite room to stay in. In such a place, even though the initial investment is large, the income generated by the high-end customers received later is obviously even more expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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