Chapter 350 Majestic Appearance
"Hey, get up quickly, I'll do it myself."

Xia Yumo felt uncomfortable being served by Han Zirui, so she lowered her voice and said awkwardly.

Han Zirui was still squatting, not intending to get up at all. He looked up at Xia Yumo and said with a bit of pampering, "Silly girl, aren't men just serving women, I'm just serving you."

His voice was not low, the people next to him gasped when they heard it, and Xia Yumo rolled his eyes when he heard it.

She felt that Han Zirui did it on purpose. If he really loved women so much, he wouldn't force her to attend this bullshit birthday banquet regardless of her wishes.

Xia Yumo's ungratefulness, in the eyes of others, seemed too ignorant of flattery, her eyes became a little angry, obviously complaining for Han Zirui.

This made Xia Yumo feel like a dumb eater of Coptis chinensis, no matter how hard it was, she had to bear it by herself.

When Han Zirui lowered his head, he smiled like a villain. Xia Yumo caught a glimpse of his smug smile on the corner of his mouth, and had the urge to kick him away.

However, with so many people watching now, and Ouyang Yinuo's birthday banquet, she didn't want to be accused or make trouble, so she could only bear it first.

After helping Xia Yumo massage for a few more minutes, Han Zirui raised his head, worried and asked affectionately, "Do you feel better?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Han Zirui's massage technique was really effective, and his ankle was not as sore as before.

Feel very comfortable now. "Well, much better."

After getting her response, Han Zirui's smile on the corner of his eyes gradually faded away, becoming an enchanting scenery.

Xia Yumo felt disdain for his behavior of attracting bees and butterflies. This guy always knows how to maximize his advantages.

Look, just now the smiling face is magnified, and there are already a crowd of nympho around him eager to try him.

As if he didn't see the look of disdain in Xia Yumo's eyes, Han Zirui enjoyed the feeling of turning himself into a good man in the eyes of everyone, as if it was a great affirmation of him.

"The old birthday star has come out, let's go, let's meet in the past."

Han Zirui looked in a certain direction, slightly suppressed his smile, and then let it go again.

Xia Yumo looked in the direction he was looking, and saw that, surrounded by many bodyguards and clansmen, Ouyang Yinuo came out with a cane and majesty.

Even when this person is smiling, he always feels chilling.

Xia Yumo didn't like this kind of feeling, so from the first time she met Ouyang Yinuo to now, her impression of him was still not good.

Soon, Xia Yumo saw Ouyang Hanting who was following Ouyang Yinuo.

Ouyang Hanting stood on Ouyang Yinuo's left, one step away from Ouyang Yinuo.

Beside him is his current fiancée, Dai Lisi.

On Ouyang Yinuo's right was a middle-aged man. Xia Yumo had never seen him before, but judging from his appearance and age, he should be a member of Ouyang Hanting's parents.

Ouyang Hanting's father had passed away when he was young, so this middle-aged man must be Ouyang Hanting's uncle Jin, right?

Although he had never met Ouyang Jin, Xia Yumo had heard of his name several times from Ouyang Hanting.

It was all mentioned in one sentence, but Xia Yumo could feel Ouyang Hanting's hatred for Ouyang Jin.

That's not what ordinary uncles and nephews should have.

Next to Ouyang Jin was Ouyang Jun. At this time, Ouyang Jun seemed a little more distressed than before, and he seemed a little careless walking among the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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