Chapter 352 Shut Up For Me
Ouyang Yinuo was naturally very satisfied with her reaction like this, but at the same time she felt that Xia Yumo would not be the kind of woman who would just sit there and let others arrange her fate.

Naturally, the defense against her in his heart did not relax in the slightest.

He will never allow anyone to hinder the marriage between Ouyang Hanting and Dai Lisi, and it is related to the huge interests of the Ouyang family, and he will not give in because of anyone.

Not to mention Ouyang Hanting's amnesia, he doesn't remember her, even if he doesn't have amnesia, he will eventually separate them for the benefit of the Ouyang family.

"Zi Rui, your little girlfriend is good." Ouyang Yinuo's voice suddenly changed, and he brought the topic to Xia Yumo. After a compliment, he immediately said, "However, you must be optimistic about it."

In the second half of the sentence, the meaning contained is too deep, and the meaning is too much.

To others, it might just be a simple joke, telling Han Zirui to catch Xia Yumo and stop running away.

But to the person concerned, this is Chi Guoguo's warning.

Both Han Zirui and Xia Yumo understood the meaning.

Xia Yumo kept a decent smile and didn't speak, but she hated Ouyang Yinuo even more in her heart.

The old man is scheming, the city is deep, his wrists are ruthless, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals... Of all of them, Xia Yumo doesn't like any of them.

She wished she would never meet such a person for the rest of her life.

"Don't worry, my woman, I will protect her, I will never let her run away, and I will never let her encounter any accidents."

Han Zirui smiled, his expression and attitude were as friendly as possible.

The sharpness in the words is not ambiguous at all.

The two chatted back and forth with guns and sticks for about two or three minutes. Ouyang Yinuo ended the conversation because it was the birthday star who wanted to speak.

Han Zirui smiled and hugged Xia Yumo to make way, while Ouyang Yinuo walked to the podium with his mighty family and bodyguards.

When they walked away, Han Zirui turned his head to look at Xia Yumo, and was a little surprised to see Xia Yumo's bored look.

He thought that Xia Yumo would turn pale again, with a heartbroken look.


Seeing Han Zirui looking at her in surprise, Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows and raised her chin very aggressively.

"It's nothing, I just thought someone would cry."

Han Zirui was not polite, he didn't express his thoughts in the slightest.

Xia Yumo curled her lips, "Why are you crying? The one who made the mistake was obviously the one who forgot me. Why should I shed tears for his mistake? Besides, I've already decided to treat myself well!"

Han Zirui looked at Xia Yumo suspiciously, as if weighing the credibility of her words.

Xia Yumo waved her hand boredly, "How many times have you stared at me, haven't you seen enough? I thought you could even count how many hairs I have!"

Han Zirui's eyes flashed, and he suddenly moved closer to Xia Yumo, "I really wanted to count your hairs, but unfortunately, you didn't give me the chance. So far, I can only count your hairs, as for the hairs... ...".

As soon as Xia Yumo heard the sign, she knew she was going to spit dog teeth out of his mouth, and immediately shouted, "Shut up!"

Han Zirui kept his mouth shut.

However, Xia Yumo's voice was a bit too loud, and all eyes focused on them.

Xia Yumo was a little embarrassed for a moment, and glared at Han Zirui angrily, gnashing her teeth and trying to curse, but the people around her had already started pointing.

Basically, they were accusing her of being too aggressive and lacklustre, saying that Han Zirui is such a good man, yet she still treats her so viciously and so on!

(End of this chapter)

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