Chapter 362 Shut Up For Me
Ouyang Hanting frowned in pain, taking advantage of the gap, she quickly hit him with all her strength, trying to knock him away and run away.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would grab her arm with his backhand. The final result of this grab was that Xia Yumo's plan was defeated.

In terms of physical strength, Xia Yumo was of course far inferior to Ouyang Hanting, but perhaps because of Xia Yumo's hard kick, Ouyang Hanting was actually taken a few steps away by Xia Yumo's momentum.

Just when Xia Yumo was about to stabilize, a sly light suddenly flashed in Ouyang Hanting's eyes.Suddenly exerting force, he counterattacked at Xia Yumo.

Xia Yumo was startled, her body instantly lost balance and she took two steps back uncontrollably, but when she took the second step, her foot missed, and there was a plop, and the two of them fell into the hot spring pool together.

Because she was completely unprepared, Xia Yumo fell into the pool in a very embarrassed state and choked on the water.

Instinctively, she crawled and scratched, trying to grab anything that could bring her to the surface.

In the end, I didn't know what I was hugging, but I just refused to let go.

It's like a drowning person suddenly grabs a piece of driftwood, subconsciously thinking that it is the only lifeline, and naturally refuses to let go no matter what.

Finally, his head came out of the water, coughing and panting for a long time, only to hear a playful voice from above his head, "Oh, what a mess. But, how long are you going to hug my thigh?"

Xia Yumo was startled, still panting heavily, her throat was choked by the water, and she still felt a burning pain, but when someone deliberately reminded her, she came to her senses belatedly, only then did she realize that she had As Ouyang Hanting said, the life-saving straw that he thought was someone's thigh!
As if frightened, Xia Yumo pushed Ouyang Hanting away suddenly, her whole face was redder than blood.

The expression of shame, anger and anger made her look extraordinarily lovable.

Ouyang Hanting was in a good mood, looked at his baby, then at Xia Yumo, and said with a smile, "Honey, it seems that you really miss me."

Before Ouyang could finish speaking, Xia Yumo suddenly became angry from embarrassment, "Shut up!"

While Ouyang Hanting was amused in his heart, he was less worried about teasing her, and quickly rowed towards her, grabbed her easily, and imprisoned her in his arms.

Ouyang Hanting's deep smiling eyes suddenly ignited a fierce flame, scorching hot, as if it could devour people and burn them.

The moment Xia Yumo met his eyes, she instinctively trembled, and subconsciously wanted to push him away.

But how could Ouyang Hanting allow it?The arms tightened instantly, as if to strangle her.

"I'm sorry about the last time."

Ouyang Hanting suddenly apologized with a serious face, and the flames in his eyes were full of apology.

Xia Yumo didn't expect him to say sorry at this time, this man who has always done his own way and is so arrogant...

She didn't respond for a moment, but tried her best to push back his embrace.

How could such harm be wiped away just because of the three words I'm sorry? !

His tyranny made her feel tired and scared, and sometimes she even felt that he was really selfish...

"Momo" Ouyang Hanting whispered softly, "Forgive me"

Xia Yumo suddenly came to her senses, Ouyang Hanting, who liked her and was desperate for her, always liked to call her "Baby" instead of Momo.

To the man in front of him, she is just a stranger who makes him feel interesting after all!
(End of this chapter)

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