Chapter 370 Imprisonment (2)

The door was pushed open, and a woman who looked like a servant stood at the door, but she looked only about 30 years old, with a tall and straight figure, with a power that ordinary maids did not have.

When facing Xia Yumo, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, maintaining aloofness without making people feel rude.

"I'm going out to eat."

Xia Yumo didn't make a fuss because she was brought here inexplicably.

It doesn't make any sense to make a fuss, and of course she won't go on a hunger strike or abuse herself.

In the restaurant outside, breakfast has been set up, a plate of fried poached eggs, a glass of milk, and two pieces of bread.

Xia Yumo sat down silently and began to eat.

The maid-like person stood aside, waiting for her to finish eating without saying a word, and then the dishes.

Xia Yumo looked at her sharp back, and suddenly said, "Where is this?"

The woman looked back at her and smiled, "I'm sorry, Ms. Xia, the boss has something to say, so I can't say it."

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, Ouyang Hanting wanted to put her under house arrest!
Not even revealing where it is!

Without saying anything, Xia Yumo went back to her room.

After living there for three days, Xia Yumo finally got a rough idea of ​​the situation.

The only person guarding her here is this maid-like woman.

The rest are two cleaners and three gardeners.

To her surprise, this place is no longer in China.

Except for the maid who took care of her food and daily life, the others were all foreigners, and they definitely didn't speak English.

No matter how poor her English is, she can understand simple conversations, but she can't understand a word when these people communicate!
Realizing this, she was somewhat desperate.

After waiting like this, she didn't know how long she would have to wait before she had a chance to escape, but if she really wanted to move, she didn't know where to start.

First, she's just an ordinary woman who can't punch or shoot a gun, and she's penniless.

Second, in a foreign country, I can't even figure out where it is!

What should I do?
The afternoon sun was very good, Xia Yumo sat in the garden basking in the sun, picked a flower in the garden and smelled it.

Turning her head, the maid did not stand at the window to watch as usual, which made Xiao Depressed feel moved, and turned her gaze to the closed door not far away.

I got up, took a leisurely walk, and walked around the yard. This is a small bungalow with a front and back garden. The area is not very large, but the layout is very elegant.

The gate is made of iron plates, and the surrounding walls are not iron fences, but made of cement bricks. It can be seen that when it was built, great attention was paid to the privacy of the courtyard.

After earning a round, she didn't find any electronic eyes, nor did she see the maid, Xia Yumo's heart relaxed a little.

Turned back to the living room.

Falling down from the top, she checked every room, even the bathroom and kitchen, but she didn't see the maid. Only then did she really believe that the maid was really not there.

Not knowing what to do, Xia Yumo wondered suspiciously, could she be testing herself on purpose?

Thinking of this possibility, she woke up suddenly, looked up, and saw the black camera above the TV wall in the living room, she turned her eyes away as if nothing had happened, stretched her waist, and shouted, "Zhang Min! Zhang Min?! Are you here!"

No one responded, she muttered something, found a paper and pen from the drawer under the TV cabinet, wrote something quickly, and then pasted the paper on the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Back to the bedroom.

That is, 10 minutes after returning to the bedroom, someone came back from the outside with a laptop in his hand. It was Zhang Min who Xia Yumo was looking for, that is, the woman who was actually in charge of guarding under the guise of a maid.

Seeing the woman enter the yard through the gap in the curtain, Xia Yumo patted her chest lightly, thanking herself for not acting recklessly.

Putting down the curtains, Xia Yumo felt really sleepy, so she really went to bed and slept.

When she was sleeping, across the door, Zhang Min was quietly standing at the door listening to the movement in the room.

After waiting for a while without any sound, he took the computer and went into the room next to Xia Yumo.

Turn on the computer, quickly type in the password, a video dialog box appears on the computer, and the other side of the video is none other than Ouyang Hanting!


Zhang Min's face was serious, and his voice was cold, without the sweetness of a woman.

"How about it?"

Ouyang Hanting didn't specify it clearly, but both of them knew it was Xia Yumo.

"everything is normal."

Over there, Ouyang Hanting's slender thick eyebrows frowned, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Nothing unusual?"

"No." Zhang Min thought for a while and added, "Oh, after waking up on the first day, I asked where this place is, but I didn't answer, and I didn't ask again after that."

Ouyang Hanting's face became more gloomy, probably because the position he was in was backlit. For a moment, Zhang Min felt that the gloomy and cold aura on his body was going to penetrate the screen and press him directly.

"Tell me in detail what she does every day"

"Get up on time in the morning and eat on time. After dinner, I will go for a walk in the garden, and sometimes I will go to the study to read a book to pass the time. It may be because of the language barrier. I have never seen him actively communicate with other gardeners."

After hearing this, Ouyang Hanting's expression didn't change for the better, and he didn't speak for a while, and finally he only said a simple sentence, "I see."

Immediately afterwards, the person on the screen disappeared, and the desktop indicated that the video session had ended.

Zhang Min froze for a moment, very puzzled.

Because ever since she took over Xia Yumo's care, she couldn't do any other missions.

She didn't know what Xia Yumo's identity was, but judging from her contacts these days, Xia Yumo was not one of those fellows who could beat and kill, and she couldn't see anything special about it, so she needed to be thrown out Look at her full-time.

She couldn't figure it out.

But if he couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out. Since the boss wanted to look at Xia Yumo, it must be useful.

It's useless for her to think too much about the things above, as long as she does the things she explained.

After thinking about this, she immediately turned off the computer and went to do what she should do.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, Xia Yumo remained very quiet.

It seems that I have gotten used to this kind of life. Apart from eating and reading, I also sleep and bask in the sun every day.

Even Zhang Min was amazed.

Due to the previous temptation, Xia Yumo did not run away, and the supervision of Xia Yumo was not as strict as before.

That day when Zhang Min went shopping, Xia Yumo stood at the window and watched quietly. After she went out and locked the door, Xia Yumo smiled.

Zhang Min didn't tell her where she was, and she couldn't communicate with others because she couldn't speak the language, but that didn't mean she couldn't get information in other ways.

Just like a study room!
She found the information she wanted from it!

(End of this chapter)

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