Chapter 374 Lying Here
Even he himself felt baffled, and as soon as the matter at hand was settled, he immediately flew to see her non-stop.

Knowing that she would never have a good face or attitude, she still came.

When he really faced her cold face, he felt uncomfortable all over, and it was as if someone had punched his chest several times.

ask for trouble!

He mocked himself in his heart, but kept his expression on his face.

He asked her to come over, but she responded indifferently and silently resisted, and the flames of resentment in her eyes burned faintly, which made him even more agitated and unable to dispel.

Finally said cruelly, "Very well, you really have backbone. It's just Xia Yumo, have you made up your mind to show your integrity to me by disregarding your grandmother's life or death?"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yumo trembled, her eyes pierced Ouyang Hanting like a knife, and she almost squeezed out a sentence, "Ouyang Hanting, if you dare to trick grandma, I will never let you go! "

Ouyang Hanting felt suffocated in his chest and felt baffled. No matter how affectionate he was before, he had forgotten now that in his eyes, this woman was a stranger.

At the back door of the branch office, if Xia Yumo hadn't called his name to make him notice her, he was sure that even if he saw her, he would never have recognized who she was. In his eyes, she was definitely a passerby First!

What's wrong with this now?Still relying on information to understand the past, but as long as there is something related to her, she will become restless.

As long as her attitude is indifferent and her words are mean, I can't wait to break her apart and eat her directly!
This feeling made him feel bad.

However, I can't control it!

At this moment, he doesn't hesitate to threaten, and wants to see her show weakness and submit!

That's right, I hate the indifferent and stubborn look on her face, and the way she can't wait to grow wings and fly away!
The more indifferent and stubborn she was, the more she wanted to leave, the less he wanted to do what she wanted.

Persecution, no matter the cost!
"If you don't want me to make up her mind, then you should be obedient, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do something in a bad mood."

Ouyang Hanting was still leaning against the head of the bed, talking lightly.

Xia Yumo trembled all over, and stood by the door for a long while, then finally closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, and walked towards him.

The corner of Ouyang Hanting's mouth curled up, his expression seemed happy, but his eyes were dark.

Standing in front of Ouyang Hanting, Ouyang Hanting frowned, "I don't like others looking down on me."

At this time, Xia Yumo was standing and Ouyang Hanting was half lying down, Xia Yumo could only look down at him.

"Then what do you want? How about you stand up?"

Xia Yumo frowned and said coldly.

Ouyang Hanting snorted, "I'm very tired." He patted the place beside him, "Lie here."

Xia Yumo subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Ouyang Hanting did not wait for her to speak, and said in a drawn-out voice, "Your grandma seems to miss you a lot."

Apart from anything else, Xia Yumo lay obediently beside Ouyang Hanting.

There was no expression on his face, but he thought in his heart, just bear with it, just bear with it, and one day you will get back your capital with interest!You can be proud of it now!
She obeyed, and Ouyang Hanting didn't say anything more. He turned to Xia Yumo and hugged her, just like how he hugged her to sleep many times before.

Xia Yumo was in a trance for a moment because of his action, of course, it was only for a moment.

She froze her body and let him hug her, but her eyes were wide open.

With a sigh of satisfaction, Ouyang Hanting closed his eyes, and after a while, there was the sound of even breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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