Chapter 379 I will accompany you
He just stood beside Xia Yumo quietly, like a silently burning flame.

Quietly waiting for Xia Yumo to shake her head or nod.

Finally, Xia Yumo seemed to have made up her mind, and raised her head, "What is your condition?"

Han Zirui raised the corners of his mouth, but he was not happy, his heart was full of bitterness.

He hoped that Xia Yumo would let him make a condition, but Xia Yumo really opened his mouth, and he was full of unhappiness.

He could make Ouyang Hanting unhappy by raising conditions, but when Xia Yumo really asked, he realized that Ouyang Hanting had already grown roots in Xia Yumo's heart, and no one could shake him.

The emotion called unwillingness in his heart began to churn, driving him to say the conditions of his relationship without hesitation, "Marry me."

Xia Yumo suddenly stared at Han Zirui, Han Zirui's expression remained the same, his peach blossom eyes were peachy, chic and unrestrained, anyone would fall in love with him at the first sight.

"Does it have to be like this?" Xia Yumo asked dryly, "There is obviously no relationship between us. You and I know very well that you chased me for a year, but because of Ouyang Hanting. You can use me to let him Get angry and jump, but it's worth using your own marriage to..."

Before Xia Yumo could finish speaking, Han Zirui quickly cut off her words, and said two words in a cold voice, "It's worth it!"

It was also at this time that Xia Yumo realized that the smile in Han Zirui's eyes had disappeared, and his handsome face was tense and gloomy.

This was the first time she saw Han Zirui like this, and she felt that she had said something wrong, but she didn't know what she said wrong.

"You can think about it, but I'm afraid Ouyang Jin can't wait. The Ouyang family is amazing. As Ouyang Yinuo's designated successor, Ouyang Hanting has long been a thorn in Ouyang Jin's side. When he managed to get rid of Ouyang Hanting's parents, Except for this nephew, Ouyang Hanting, he will definitely not show mercy."

Xia Yumo's heart tightened, she gritted her teeth and squeezed out a word, "Okay!"

Han Zirui raised the corners of his mouth, without smiling, he just held Xia Yumo's hand and walked to his car.

What he didn't tell Xia Yumo was that if Ouyang Hanting was really easy to deal with, he wouldn't have survived Ouyang Jin's repeated murders and exclusion, and developed to where he is today.

What happened today, Ouyang Hanting may be temporarily trapped in Ouyang Jin's hands, but with Ouyang Hanting's ability, it is not difficult to get out of Ouyang Jin's hands.

He admits he was mean, but he doesn't regret it.

He loves Xia Yumo, he thinks he is no less than Ouyang Hanting, but the meeting is too late and the timing is always wrong.

That being the case, he naturally wants to create opportunities by himself.

Only those who are good at fighting are qualified to win love and happiness.

After boarding the land of the motherland again, Xia Yumo felt that she had experienced a lot of vicissitudes. Seeing the familiar street scene, she couldn't help feeling desolate.

She couldn't help feeling that maybe she was really aging prematurely, that her mental age was aging rapidly.

"I want to go back to my grandmother's house."

As soon as Xia Yumo got out of the airport, the first sentence she said.

Han Zirui put his arms around her shoulders, paused his steps, squinted at her, nodded, with a little pampering, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

Xia Yumo immediately shook her head, "No need, you are busy with your work, I can just go back by myself."

Han Zirui wore a red shirt on his upper body, showing another kind of chic and romantic temperament, which was flamboyant and wanton.

From getting on the plane to getting off the plane and leaving the airport at this time, I don't know how many girls winked at him frequently along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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