Chapter 383 Very Satisfied

This is a place where wedding dresses are custom-made, tailor-made and handmade.

Xia Yumo couldn't help frowning when she saw the facade, then turned to look at Han Zirui beside her, "Are you sure you want to order a wedding dress?"

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows, "Of course."

"It's only five days until our wedding."

It meant that time was running out, even if you worked overtime, it was impossible for this kind of store to accept such a difficult order.

A joke, VC handmade wedding dress shop, a global chain, even if you order a wedding dress three months in advance, you may not be able to get a number!

Now there are only five days, and he actually dragged her to customize the wedding dress, what a joke!
Han Zirui just smiled, "I said it's too late, of course it's too late."

He dragged Xia Yumo in, and someone came up to greet him immediately. If there was nothing left to say, after the clerk greeted Han Zirui, he dragged Xia Yumo to measure the size, and then took out a set of wedding dress samples for Xia Yumo to choose.

As a result, before Xia Yumo could catch it, the people around him reached out to catch it first, then put it on the table and pushed it aside.

"Let your chief designer come over."

The clerk froze for a moment, showing a sorry smile, "I'm sorry sir, the chief designer is on vacation."

Han Zirui narrowed his eyes, didn't say anything, got up and said to Xia Yumo, "Wait"

Then he took out his phone and made a call.

Xia Yumo estimated that the phone call took less than 2 minutes from start to finish.

Then, Han Zirui came back, and took Xia Yumo to sit in the shop calmly and chatting.

"How about we go back?"

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows, "Go back? Why go back? The wedding dress hasn't been chosen yet."

"The chief designer is not here, we can choose other works."

Xia Yumo flipped through the booklet in her hand.

Han Zirui was sitting opposite Xia Yumo, with his hands on his chin, his peach blossom eyes squinted, he stared quietly at Xia Yumo for a while, and said with a smile, "My wife deserves the best, and I can't let it go."

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, then looked at Han Zirui, only to see his expression was gentle and serious.

Turning her eyes away a little guilty, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Han Zirui sighed, "Don't be like this, let me pamper you, okay? Momo, you just need to be a happy woman, live the life you want to live, and do what you want to do."

If a woman hears this, she will be moved, right?
Xia Yumo's heart felt sore when she heard this, she felt that if she had met Han Zirui from the beginning, she would definitely fall headfirst into his tenderness.

However, without Ouyang Hanting... Han Zirui probably wouldn't have noticed her at all.

Thinking of this, she felt that fate is something that sometimes really pays attention to God's will.

"What are you thinking?" The woman in front of her was actually distracted again.

"I'm thinking that the life I want to live the most is to stay away from you people who are running around in the dark. I don't know if you will give it?"

Han Zirui smiled unabated, "Of course it's no problem."

A light flashed in Xia Yumo's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zirui said, "Imagine me as someone who is not a wolf running around in the dark, isn't that all right?"

Xia Yumo's face darkened, and she suddenly didn't want to talk to him anymore.

When she was losing her temper, a person ran in outside.

"Hi, here I come!"


Xia Yumo glanced unexpectedly at the young man who ran over, in sportswear, with a dusty look.

Han Zirui looked at his watch, "5 minutes late."

The person came with a bitter face, "Traffic jam."

"I told you I'd be here today."

The face was even more bitter, "You don't have to be so serious, right? It's only 5 minutes."

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows and squinted at him, "Five minutes is enough for me to beat you into a sieve with a gun."

The visitor was speechless, and accepted his fate for a while, "Okay, do whatever you say."

Han Zirui smiled, as cunning as a fox.

Xia Yumo suddenly felt that this cute boy who was late was finished...

On the way back to the car, Xia Yumo still couldn't bear to ask, "Is this appropriate? Five days, after all, it's too late."

"Believe me, that's a masochist. The more oppressive you are, the more you can unleash unlimited potential. On our wedding day, you will have the most amazing wedding dress."

Xia Yumo felt that it was bad luck for eight lifetimes for this world-renowned designer to be found by Han Zirui.

Designing this thing requires inspiration, and Han Zirui only gave him five days to complete a wedding dress from the design to the hand-sewing!
I have never seen such an unkind person!

After finishing the wedding dress, Han Zirui was in a good mood, and took Xia Yumo to the jewelry store again.

Xia Yumo didn't catch a cold for things like jewelry, so she didn't want to go there, but Han Zirui was in high spirits.

She has to go if she doesn't go, she can only follow.

There are not as many customers in the jewelry chain store as in the gold store, there are only a few figures, but everyone is full of jewels.

"You can't even make things like necklaces, right?"

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows, "I'm doing it for my wife, you can overwhelm the audience with your beauty, why do you always turn your elbows outward?"

Not long ago, Han Zirui's wife was long and his wife was short, calling him very affectionate and natural.

Xia Yumo didn't care too much, and just said, "It's not a question of where to turn my elbow. You're just trying to squeeze people, so be careful not to cause public anger."

Han Zirui snorted, "For you, it's worth any public outrage!"

These words were clearly a joke, but Xia Yumo inexplicably heard some deep meaning.

This made her very puzzled and felt that she was hallucinating a little.

Looking at Han Zirui's expression, he has already turned to look at the jewelry in the jewelry store.

The clerk dutifully introduced all kinds of jewelry, but Han Zirui just glanced at them and didn't let her take them out.

Xia Yumo stood on the sidelines without speaking, and after about two or three minutes, a man in a suit and leather shoes came out, and when he saw Han Zirui, he immediately smiled and invited them to the office.

"Mr. Han, your custom-made jewelry has been completed, and I was planning to send it to you, so you are here."

Xia Yumo thought, this person is worthy of being an account manager, what he said is really useful!
Han Zirui didn't say anything. He took the box held by the assistant with both hands, opened it, and took out a bright gemstone necklace from it.

The manager said from the side, "according to your requirements, the chain is inlaid with thirteen broken diamonds, and there are also thirteen blue diamonds around the gemstone setting, plus the middle sapphire, exactly fourteen."

1314?All my life?
Xia Yumo looked at the necklace in Han Zirui's hand in surprise, the necklace was shining brightly, especially the sapphire in the middle, like a drop of blue tear, polished to a surprisingly round and smooth shape, as if it could reflect a human figure.

Intuitively, this should be given to a very important person by Han Zirui.

However, she didn't think that this important person was her.

"Well, very good." Han Zirui put back the necklace and closed the box, very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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