Chapter 502 Let her poke
Xia Yumo twisted her head, stared at Han Zirui, her eyes became colder, her voice was slightly cold, "Are you really just celebrating your birthday?"

Han Zirui smiled wickedly and flaunted, "Then what other purpose do you think I have?" With a slightly condensed expression, he sighed, slightly hurt, "Momo, you still don't believe me. No matter what you did before, The relationship between husband and wife is still returning to the position of friends now."

Xia Yumo bit her lower lip, feeling a little guilty by his hurt tone, and a little tongue-tied.

"Forget it, I still won't take this kind of thing to heart. It's been a long time since you and Ms. Lin have seen each other. Let's catch up on the old days. I'm going to arrange the birthday party tonight. This is just a temporary rest. The birthday party is at the winery on the mountain held."

Xia Yumo was a little unbelievable, she didn't expect a winery to be built on such a mountain.

As soon as Han Zirui left, Xia Yumo's attention returned to the others present.

Jiang Yihan and Han Zirui had cooperated before, she was not surprised, after all, she saw Jiang Yihan and Han Zirui meeting several times.

It's just that Lan Yan...Even if he had passed on the word for Han Zirui before, but he is from the Ouyang family after all...he actually appeared here.

Han Zirui's words about the person who is about to become a partner must be referring to him.

Jiang Yihan smiled at the thoughtful Xia Yumo, and greeted him softly, "Long time no see."

Xia Yumo came back to her senses and smiled generously, "Yes, long time no see."

Speaking of it, it wasn't really a long time, but it felt like a really long time had passed.

This man who I once loved with all my strength, when I finally saw him, my heart was as calm as water, without any strange waves.

After crossing that hurdle, it is truly relieved.

It's also good to smile away the feeling of gratitude and enmity.

Looking at Xia Yumo's smile, Jiang Yihan's heart trembled slightly. From her smile, he could see that Xia Yumo really let go.

I don't know why, but there is a feeling like a needle prick in my chest, and for a moment, I even find it difficult to breathe.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Xia Yumo had already turned his gaze away, smiled at Lan Yan who was sitting beside him, and nodded slightly.

Lan Yan also smiled and nodded in response, neither of them spoke.

Walking to Lin Jieer and sitting next to Lin Jieer, Lin Jieer pinched her with the corner of her eye and said bluntly, "Damn it, did you forget about me going to the Danube? "

Xia Yumo had a flattering face, "How could it be, I forgot myself and I will not forget you."

"Hmph! Come on!" Lin Jie'er didn't like this, she freed up a hand, and lightly poked Xia Yumo's left cheek, "Looking at your face full of peach blossoms, you have a man Forget about friends!"

Facing Lin Jieer's accusation, Xia Yumo wanted to cry but had no tears.

During this period of time, her experiences... are too many to be summed up in one or two sentences.

She had already heard about Lin Jie'er being questioned by Han Zirui.

This kind of hegemonic behavior that restricts people's freedom can only be done by people like them.

Lin Jie'er may have been treated like this in her entire life, and seeing her now, it was only natural that she would vent her anger.

As the chief culprit who caused Lin Jieer's misfortune, it was her duty to act as her punching bag for free.

So, when Lin Jieer poked her, she obediently let Lin Jieer poke her.

(End of this chapter)

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