Chapter 505
Ouyang Hanting, Qin Kaiyue, Han Zirui, and the man in front of him...all of them have extraordinary temperament, and they are active in the same circle.

I don't know whether it is their own temperament that makes their image, or their appearance makes their image.

As if aware of Xia Yumo's scrutinizing gaze, the man withdrew his gaze from Lin Jie'er, looked at Xia Yumo, and then nodded politely, "Miss Xia, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Xia Yumo was startled again, "You...know me?"

The corner of the man's mouth slightly raised, "I have long admired your name."

Xia Yumo was dumbfounded, what name could she have, enough for him to admire her for a long time?
Could it be Lin Jie'er who exposed her background to him?It doesn't make sense.How could Lin Jieer talk about girlfriends with her man?
That's right, Xia Yumo already remembered where he met this man.

A long time ago, she had seen Lin Jie'er entangled with people in the parking lot. At that time, she almost thought that someone was trying to harm Lin Jie'er.

It was only later that I found out that it was actually Lin Jieer's new man, but at that time, I only saw a figure.

At the beginning, she was worried about Lin Jie'er because of his aura similar to Ouyang Hanting's.

Until today, finally met face to face.

Much better than she imagined.

From the looks of it, the ability is also very good in all aspects.

If Lin Jie'er had really gotten back with him, then it seemed good to be by his side.It's always better than that scumbag Shao Kai.

"Hehe, that's really an honor." Xia Yumo laughed dryly, always feeling that this "big name" that she had admired for a long time might not be a good one.

At night on the top of the mountain, the sky is high and the clouds are light, the night is blue and the stars are sparse.

The winery located on the top of the mountain is extremely lively.

After arriving at the winery, Xia Yumo learned that the reason why the winery was built here was because of the curved lake formed by the concave terrain on the top of the mountain.

The lake water is clear, and the wine brewed is mellow and fragrant.The annual output is only a thousand altars, which are supplied to designated customers.

Since the wine produced by the winery is purely hand-brewed, the working wine craftsman is also a veteran with decades of rich wine-making experience.

Therefore, the wine in the winery can be described as a drop worth a thousand gold.

Compared with the winery in city A, which is well-known throughout the country, the wine here is given to designated customers all over the world, which can be seen from its high grade.

And this winery is just an insignificant small business under Han Zirui's name.

Xia Yumo tapped the rough pottery wine jar with her fingers, and said in disbelief, "It's really strange that someone would buy such a crude packaging."

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, "This is the charm of good wine. The wine is sealed in a jar, sealed with mud, and buried deep. Over the years, it will become more and more fragrant. overflowing, that feeling is a kind of enjoyment. This is definitely not comparable to those beautiful glass containers. Although foreign wine is accepted by more and more people, it is considered high-end and elegant by more and more people, but They don't know that truly high-end and high-grade things have never been rare. They cannot be marketed."

Xia Yumo withdrew her finger, patted it lightly, and sighed, "Is this the legendary rare thing?"


Han Zirui stretched out his hand and flicked Xia Yumo's forehead, "Go in, almost everyone is here."

Xia Yumo looked over his shoulder and glanced into the hall, there were indeed quite a few men and women.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a private banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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