Chapter 509

Hearing this sound, Han Zirui suddenly raised his head, while Xia Yumo, who was dancing with him, froze, threw him away, and turned to look at the source of the sound.

At the door, Ouyang Hanting's face was gloomy, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although he was talking to Han Zirui, his eyes were fixed on Xia Yumo without blinking, his eyes shone strangely, obviously he saw the scene of her dancing with Han Zirui.

Xia Yumo didn't even think about it, she just walked towards Ouyang Hanting.

Ouyang Hanting was originally furious, but when he saw her walking towards him, he felt a little better.

And Han Zirui, who has always been in a good mood, suddenly felt gloomy because of Ouyang Hanting's uninvited visit. Seeing Xia Yumo walking towards Ouyang Hanting without hesitation, this gloomy feeling gave rise to some pain, some coldness, and some things he couldn't help himself. Dispelled jealousy.

In the end, all the complicated emotions that were entangled were suppressed in his heart because of his deep breathing.

Just like what Ouyang Hanting analyzed to Chu Han before he went up the mountain, he would not put Xia Yumo in a difficult situation because of impulsiveness, and push her further away.

Xia Yumo didn't know that Han Zirui and Ouyang Hanting had complicated calculations in their minds, but was only worried that Ouyang Hanting's sudden appearance was here to ruin the situation.

So, with eyes full of worry, he walked up to Ouyang Hanting and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Ouyang Hanting didn't care how many pairs of eyes were staring at the scene, he put his arms around Xia Yumo's waist, raised his chin slightly, "I came here when I missed you."

Xia Yumo's red-headed face was bleeding directly this time.

The calm and almost unsmiling man suddenly uttered such words to a woman. No matter how he heard it, the flirting was more involved, but it still shocked the people present from ear to ear.

Ouyang Hanting has always been iron fisted, and his speech is also a typical example of cherishing words like gold.

The previous weddings between him and Dai Lisi fell through again and again, and it had already spread in the circle.

They all knew that he was doing it for a woman, but they never expected that this woman would appear at Han Zirui's birthday party.

After being surprised, everyone's thoughts moved in unison, and they suddenly looked at Xia Yumo in unison.

It suddenly dawned on him - it turned out that this was the woman who moved Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui's heart!

At first, I thought she was just a female companion of Han Zirui, but was her!

Most of the women present were thinking that although they were good-looking, they were not really gorgeous. How could it be worth such two top-notch men to win their hearts?

Everyone's eyes suddenly changed, and they all came over like thorns. Naturally, Xia Yumo couldn't help feeling the thorns on her back.

Xia Yumo knew why they had such gazes.

Getting entangled with people like Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui is destined to encounter more attention, or envy or contempt, she has long been used to it.

In the corner, the man who was tired of being with Lin Jie'er curled his mouth and said to the woman beside him, "It looks like there will be a good show today. This trip is really not in vain."

Lin Jie'er kicked her hard, "Stop gloating here! Stay wherever it's cool!"

Hearing this, the man looked down, "A cool place can reduce fire. For me, the only place that can reduce fire is there. Are you sure you want me to be cool?"

Lin Jie'er's face, which was still vicious at first, was flushed with blush, and she almost uttered curse words through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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