Chapter 528
She felt uncomfortable all over, especially when his hand was holding the back of her head to keep her from moving.

He keeps hypnotizing himself in his mind, he is a woman, he is a woman... But the more he hypnotizes, the more he sees his Adam's apple that was originally hidden by the big bow, but now it is half hidden!
A woman with an Adam's apple, a woman with an Adam's apple!
She hypnotized herself again, but she still felt nervous, as if she was doing something wrong.

"Okay!" Jason held Xia Yumo's face, looked left and right, looked at it for a while, and then came to a conclusion, "Barely enough to catch the eye."

Taking advantage of his inattention, Xia Yumo stepped on his instep and crushed it hard.

Jason gasped, his eyes widened, but he had to suppress his voice, "What are you doing?!"

Xia Yumo pointed at her own face, "Xiaojun said that this face is the most successful work of art he has worked so hard on. If you say it barely catches your eye, he will kill you."

Jason snorted and said nothing.

But Xia Yumo's eyes flickered.

"You two don't keep up, what are you muttering?"

In front, came the cold voice of a black-framed woman.

Jason turned his head and took a look, his slender eyebrows raised.

Xia Yumo squinted her eyes and smelled an unusual aura, "You... do you know her?"

Jason's voice turned eight degrees colder, "It has nothing to do with you!"

"You accept this mission, don't you have the intention of deserting?"

Xia Yumo followed him with a deadpan face, asking the bottom line.

"It's none of your business!"

"It doesn't matter why. If you desert and expose your identity, you will implicate me. If you tell me that you really mean that, I can prepare accordingly."

"If you have that thought, what are you going to do?"

"I'm ready to leave you and run away at any time! Could it be that you want to pick up girls and also implicate me?"

Jason couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Xia Yumo on the head, "Shut up!"

In the barracks, Xia Yumo leaned against Jason, staring at the white thighs in front of her with her big watery eyes, swallowing her saliva.

He whispered, "Jason, are you excited?"

Jason squinted at her, and raised the corners of his charming eyes drawn by eyebrow pencil, "What? Are you excited?"

Xia Yumo nodded, her voice was soft and soft like spider silk, "Yeah, I'm very excited. You said that the training base has recruited so many beauties, so after the training assessment is over, there will be a final Carnival?"

Although she was talking to Jason, Xia Yumo's eyes never left the women with their slender legs holding small makeup mirrors.

Even her of the same sex was dazzled by these fair or wheat-colored beautiful legs, let alone the opposite sex.

Now she is more interested. Jason, who is mixed with women, feels like a horse, is his blood boiling.


Jason's eyes swept over the beautiful legs that were upturned, and when he finally looked back at Xia Yumo, he found that she didn't know when to look back and was staring at him.

The almost...wretched and jumping eyes made Jason, a veteran of the rivers and lakes, a little overwhelmed, and asked very uncomfortable, "You...what are you staring at me like that?"

Xia Yumo stretched out a finger and poked Jason Ao Ting's fake chest, "You haven't answered my question yet"

Jason played dumb, "what's the problem"

"There are so many beauties showing their thighs in front of you..."

Jason rolled his eyes and patted Xia Yumo's hand away, "I'm not as wretched as you!"

If these women of all kinds were replaced by this one in front of him... Jason was suddenly startled by his own thoughts, and shivered back to his thoughts, "Stop making trouble, just stay here, I'll go out and explore the familiar environment , remember, don’t run around!”

"Let me go with you..." Xia Yumo woke up from the moment she woke up. The people she came into contact with were all from the Luli family. Other than them, she had never been in contact with anyone, so she was very uncomfortable being thrown here by Jason.

"Don't, it will hold me back!"

Xia Yumo was very unhappy in her heart, but this was not the time to be petty, so she just kept her unhappiness in her heart, and nodded reluctantly.

As soon as Jason left, Xia Yumo huddled in a corner of the barracks bored, observing the women who were putting on makeup with small mirrors.

It was also at this time that she realized that although these women have eastern faces, there are also western faces, and there are even many top-notch mixed races, but without exception, they all have tattoos on their shoulders, red ones, like red roses in full bloom .

It feels weird.

His eyes suddenly fixed, a black-haired girl with long shawl hair, sitting on a stool, was the only one who didn't put on makeup with a vanity mirror.

Her figure made Xia Yumo inexplicably familiar, so familiar that it was almost eerie, but Xia Yumo had no idea where this feeling of familiarity came from.

There is also a tattoo on the shoulder of the brunette, but the tattoo seems to be covered with blood. It looks like it has just been tattooed, and... it is the kind that was forced to tattoo, because the tattoo is not as vivid as other people's , It seems that a few more stitches of different shades have become an irreparable failure.

As if feeling the gaze behind her, the black-haired girl suddenly turned her head and looked in Xia Yumo's direction.

Suddenly seeing the girl's face clearly, Xia Yumo was stunned.

The girl squinted her eyes, and searched Xia Yumo for a long time, as if she didn't see anything, she suddenly closed her eyes. Sitting among the many girls, the woman with black hair and shawl looked out of place.

No matter how she looks, she looks a bit like... Miss Qianjin who is sitting upright, with that kind of innate temperament, which is always at odds with those around her.

Of course, what surprised Xia Yumo was not how incompatible a woman's temperament was, but what really confused her was the woman's face.

Inexplicably, I feel very, very familiar, as if I am familiar with myself.

Could it be that he knew her?

Xia Yumo really wanted to go up and ask, but remembering what Luli Junrong had told her when she left the Luli family, she gave up the idea again.

Luli Junrong said that people's hearts are unpredictable, leaving the territory of the Luli family, you must be careful with everyone.

She was rescued by Jason so miserably back then, and was almost eaten by a tiger fish. It was obvious that someone deliberately harmed her.

The more inexplicably familiar people are, the more cautious they should be.

The woman in front of her... even if she knew something about her past, she couldn't speak rashly.

Besides, coming here with Jason is full of danger. If she acts rashly, she will be easily exposed.

Dispelling the idea, Xia Yumo sat in the corner without moving, and her eyes, which had been staring at the woman out of composure, turned away indifferently.

The brunette frowned, still sitting in the distance.

Outside the barracks, a woman with black-rimmed glasses walked in, her knight boots making a crisp clicking sound on the floor tiles.

Quiet the chattering women in the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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