Chapter 530 In-place solution
"You are very beautiful, too beautiful to be real." Lin Simeng suddenly said with a little deep meaning.

Xia Yumo smiled without changing her face, "Thank you for the compliment, to be praised by the same sex, it is a very happy thing for me."

Lin Simeng was quite surprised, for a moment he couldn't figure out whether Xia Yumo really didn't understand her hint, or if she was pretending to be stupid.

Either way, though, it made no difference to her.

A woman with black-rimmed glasses led a group of girls in miniskirts to the assessment site. A figure not far away made her frown suddenly and shouted, "You, stop!"

Jason stopped immediately, turned around with a face full of apprehension, his legs were tightly clamped on purpose.

The black-framed woman looked "her" from top to bottom, raised her slender eyebrows, "Lucy from Thebes?"

Jason's legs became tighter and tighter, and he looked even more nervous, "Yes, I... I... urgent to urinate, but I can't find a toilet"

Jason said as he blushed with shame and embarrassment.

At the end, seeing Jason's reaction, Xia Yumo sighed in her heart that his acting skills were really outrageous, and secretly vowed that she would also cultivate to be as superb as him.

The black-framed woman obviously didn't believe Jason's words easily, her slender eyebrows furrowed, and she stepped forward, even the way she walked showed a sharp coldness.

Seeing this, Xia Yumo's heart tightened. What if Jason was punctured right here?
A layer of cold sweat broke out in the palm of the hand, and the hand almost uncontrollably stretched out towards the waist where the pistol was hidden.

At this time, Lin Simeng suddenly said, "Xiao Yi, your complexion is not very good, what's wrong?"

Xia Yumo was startled, adjusted her breathing secretly, and smiled, "It's nothing, my stomach hurts a bit." Speaking of this, she lowered her voice mysteriously, and said, "Actually, I am inconvenient today, which is the most embarrassing time for women. "

Lin Simeng's eyebrows twitched, and she subconsciously glanced under Xia Yumo, then raised her lips, "Since this is the case, then you shouldn't come. Or you should make adjustments in advance. If this is the case now... it will make people feel very uncomfortable." Spoiler."

Xia Yumo froze, Lin Simeng's words made her sure that her guess was right.

These girls, including her and Jason who sneaked in, are actually "appetizers" brought in by the base leaders to reward those who pass the assessment, right?

Lin Simeng stared at Xia Yumo's reaction, saw that her expression was not good, and added a sentence seemingly kindly, "However, you are so good-looking, maybe people will ignore the embarrassment, maybe some people like it more abnormally. Pick this time specifically."

Xia Yumo's impression of Lin Simeng was extremely bad because of his words with deep meaning.

Even if there was a little bit of affection and closeness because of that very familiar face, by now, Lin Simeng has ruined it completely!
"Really? Then I'm relieved." Xia Yumo pretended to be happy.

Lin Simeng looked away, and the moment he turned his face away, a trace of disgust and jealousy flashed across his face.

Facing the sharp eyes of the woman in the black frame, Jason only reacted with the most appropriate nervousness and apprehension, and resisted the sharpness, and asked fearlessly, "Beautiful lady, where is the toilet? Can't stand anymore"

The black-rimmed glasses stretched out their slender index fingers, and raised their eyes upwards, "Since you can't hold it anymore, let's solve it immediately."

When these words came out, Jason didn't have any special reaction, but Xia Yumo's heart almost jumped out of his throat behind him. [About updates: at least three updates per day, no upper limit.Basically, it will be around 10 words. The time is relatively tight recently. How much to update depends on your votes and personal schedule.Half of them will not be updated if they haven’t been updated after 30:[-] in the evening]

(End of this chapter)

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