Chapter 534 Predictable bloodshed

When Xia Yumo heard this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Maybe there will be someone else, because of agitation, his mind wandered, and he was hacked to death!

Jason's explanation was of course inaccurate, and Xia Yumo couldn't think of any other intentions for a while, so he had to let go of this question first.

They waited outside the red line for more than an hour. There was no movement in the jungle, let alone a living person coming out, not even a ghost.

At first they were excited, but the girls who were about to exhaust all their strengths gradually became bored, and gathered together in small groups to chat.

The strange thing is that Qin Shuang didn't stop him.

And those four cool and handsome men standing outside the red line always stood in place. If they didn't occasionally raise their hands to look at their watches, it would really make people mistakenly think that they were four lifeless models.

Xia Yumo was also a little impatient with waiting, and dragged Jason to find a place to sit down, "When will it end, why is there no movement?"

Jason raised his slender eyebrows, "It's hard to say, maybe we have to wait another day or two, maybe someone will come out in the next moment..."

When she heard that she had to wait a day or two, Xia Yumo almost jumped up, but just as she reacted.

A series of sounds suddenly came from the jungle. It sounded like something was moving quickly through the grass, followed by gunshots, roars, fighting... and the sound of ferocious beasts roaring their horns!

Just listening to those voices, Xia Yumo felt her heart tremble.

The girls who were laughing and laughing at the scene suddenly quieted down, and all looked towards the jungle inside the iron fence!

In the jungle, three people sprang out. The clothes on each person's body were torn to pieces, and there were wounds all over their bodies, with blood oozing out from the rolled up flesh.

One of them jumped out of the jungle and fell to the ground, but he didn't dare to relax at all. He supported the ground with one hand, bounced up suddenly, and ran towards this side quickly.

The three of them ran about ten paces, and a group of grinning gray wolves sprang out from the jungle. They quickly surrounded the three of them, staring at them intently, as if they were about to rush over and tear them to pieces at any moment.

The girls present were already screaming because of the sudden burst of wolves, and they stepped back a few steps screaming even though they were standing outside the barbed wire.

Xia Yumo's whole body was also tense, her hands and feet were cold.

And Jason beside her, his eyes turned red.

The assessment in this training ground is still so cruel and bloody!
Wolves are very smart animals that live in groups. Every time they hunt, they are organized and disciplined. They advance and retreat in a certain way, unite and cooperate, and can even make humans feel ashamed.

Now, what everyone sees is such a group of cunning and intelligent fierce creatures.

Surrounded by a pack of wolves, there were three human beings whose physical strength was on the verge of limit.

Their life and death are only in the blink of an eye!

Xia Yumo bit her lower lip, trembling slightly.

In this situation, it is almost predictable what kind of bloody scene will follow!
How could a human being who was exhausted and wounded all over his body be able to fight against a pack of wolves with sharp teeth and astonishing speed? !

The three people surrounded were already standing back to back. The guns in their hands were still there, but judging from their reactions, the bullets in the pistols were no longer enough to wipe out the pack of wolves.

They must cherish bullets and use them when they are most needed.

And before that...

They unanimously pulled out their usual sabers from their boots. The bright light of the sabers indicated that they were going to fight hand-to-hand with the pack of wolves!

(End of this chapter)

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