Chapter 537

On the right, a slightly fat old man in his 50s agreed.

"It's really not a wise decision to let them sneak into the examinee to inspect the examinee on the spot."

On the left is an old man in his sixties, with a slightly thin body. Although he is old, his hair is not gray, and he looks very energetic.

Hearing this, Ouyang Yinuo raised his eyebrows at him, "What do you say, Brother Qi?"

"What I mean is that once they joined, the other members who were evaluated were all worthless. All the prizes were taken by the four of them."

"That's what happened."

Ouyang Yinuo nodded, obviously agreeing with the old man's opinion.

Xia Yumo sat on the ground collapsed, leaned her head on Jason's shoulder, and closed her eyes tightly. She really couldn't watch anymore.

There are many people in the same situation as her, and they have obviously never seen such a tragic situation.

Just as Jason expected, the first three people who ran out of the jungle were wiped out by the pack of wolves before they could cross the line of life and death.

Although the wolves suffered a lot, they got three prey to feed their hunger.

When Xia Yumo was freed from the upheaval, there was only a pile of bloody bones left on the scene.

The jungle became quiet again, and the four invigilators who stood outside the line of life and death were still looking at their watches.

After waiting for about two hours, the sun was westward, and the jungle was moving again.

This time, there was a lot of noise, including the sound of fighting and tearing, the howling of beasts and the screaming of people, but there was no gunfire.

Three people jumped out of the jungle before, but this time more than a dozen people jumped out. They also had wounds on their bodies, but they were much lighter than the previous three people.

And what confronted them was not a pack of wolves, but two tigers and three leopards.

The wheel-shaped wheels are ferocious and nimble, and they are obviously better than wolves.

Fortunately, the quantity is small.

For those who are already bullet-free, their threat is enormous.

"I really want to retreat, what should I do?"

Xia Yumo was so weak that she couldn't stand watching the majestic beasts fighting with humans. Now she opened her eyes and closed her eyes, there was blood, and when she raised her head and lowered her head, there was roaring in her ears.

"Okay, I'll go find Qin Shuang"

Jason got up and walked towards Qin Shuang.

Xia Yumo crossed her legs and lowered her head, saying that she didn't want to take another look in the direction of the jungle.

From the mouths of Jason and Luli Junrong, she knew that this world had a dark side, and the darkness and cruelty that grew out of those shadows was unimaginable.

Perhaps what you see in front of you is just a corner of it.

But she couldn't take it anymore.

She always had a feeling that before she lost her memory, the world in her eyes was definitely not like this.

When trying to remember, the scalp will be tight, and the back of the head will always be aching. If you don't give up, the pain will become as sharp as a needle. As a result, you can't concentrate on thinking for a long time.

Therefore, she usually does not force herself to recall anything.

When Jason walked to Qin Shuang's side, among the four "proctors", the one on the far right suddenly drew his gun, raised his hand and fired a shot into the sky.

The sound of gunfire was several times louder than that of ordinary pistols, and the piercing sound could be heard for miles around.

When the gunshots fell, another group of people jumped out of the jungle immediately.

Obviously, they had already reached the edge of the jungle, but they all hid in the dark to wait and see what happened. The sound of gunfire from the invigilator was like an alarm bell 15 minutes before the end of the exam, telling the members participating in the assessment that the time was coming.

Hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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