Chapter 540

As if, at a certain moment, I was bitten by something like this!

The pain from the nerves of the body and the fear rooted in the soul drove her to the edge of despair.

Jason was about to speak to Qin Shuang, but when he saw Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui who came suddenly, he suddenly had an extremely bad premonition, and almost subconsciously looked at Xia Yumo!

What he saw was Xia Yumo trembling like a leaf in the autumn wind, ready to fall down at any moment.

Without thinking about opening her mouth, she turned around and ran to Xia Yumo to hug her, and found that she was covered in cold sweat and her mind was not clear.

The situation is not good!

Realizing this, he quickly slapped Xia Yumo's face, "Xiao Yi, cheer up!"

Xia Yumo grabbed Jason's hand and opened her mouth to say something, but only one sentence remained, "Headache, headache! I'm so scared!"

Knowing that the bloody scene triggered Xia Yumo's bad memories and awakened the memories stored in his body, he immediately walked back with his arms around Xia Yumo.

It doesn't matter whether he has reported to Qin Shuang in advance.

When everyone was paying attention to the situation on the assessment field, if two people slipped back, no one would pay attention at all.

However, Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui who were walking towards them, Dai Lisi who was standing at the edge of the jungle, and Qi Shuheng who had never said a word were the exception.

From their angle, they could see Jason taking Xia Yumo away.

The familiar back made Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui pause in their footsteps. Looking at Lin Simeng with black hair and shawl, they couldn't help frowning, slightly puzzled.

But doubts are just a moment for them.

The joy of seeing "Xia Yumo" again made them not in the mood to ask why the back of the woman taken away by Jason was so resembling the figure engraved in their hearts.

"Open the door!"

Walking to the iron net, Ouyang Hanting said something to the invigilator in a cold voice.

The invigilator hesitated for a moment, but only for a moment, and immediately put on insulating gloves and opened the door.

In the blink of an eye, a tiger and a black panther bit off the throat of a person, and after throwing the person away, they turned around and rushed towards Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui who were very close to them!

The coquettish girls let out piercing screams.

Qin Shuang frowned, and blurted out, "Be careful!"

Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui felt the wind whistling behind them, accompanied by the heavy panting sound and the fierceness of the beast, they flew towards them.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and there is almost no time to react!

But after all, they are the outstanding players who have ever walked out of this base!
Although the speed of the tiger and leopard was fast, it was only because of the gap of one second that they had a chance to breathe!

And this second is enough for them to stand up, draw their guns, and pull the trigger!

In the blink of an eye, after the gunfire, it was the wailing of the tiger and leopard after being seriously injured!
When everyone recovered from the thrill and breathed again, only two cold men came out side by side, and two beasts shot in the forehead, one fell to the end, the other fell on the iron net, and was caught by everyone. The situation where the volts are instantly scorched!
After being eliminated by Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui, one tiger and one leopard were eliminated, and the pressure of the shopping people suddenly dropped. Although it was still difficult to deal with the remaining beasts, they won in the end.

At first they didn't understand why Ouyang Hanting and others had such a high reputation, but at this moment, seeing their true abilities, they felt admiration, admiration, and self-pity!

(End of this chapter)

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