Chapter 550

She left the family, followed him, but was let down by him. In the most embarrassing time, her husband rescued her and took her in. Therefore, she changed her husband's surname and kept the homonym of the name, so there is Su Jingyuan today. .

Ouyang Yinuo's heart twisted, "You still refuse to forgive me, are you angry with me on purpose?"

Su Jingyuan smiled calmly, "Old Mr. Ouyang is really worrying too much. I have no love or hate for you, so how can I forgive you? As for being angry with you, it is really flattering me. I dare not be angry with you. I still want to live a few more years and die."

"You!" Ouyang Yinuo's face turned slightly green.

He hadn't been this angry in years.

No matter what kind of things, in his eyes, they can be handled with ease, and nothing is worth his anger.

Especially after the marriage with Su Jingyuan was completely broken up.

Su Jingyuan turned around and flicked away a drop of water on the orchid leaves, "Master Ouyang, if you have nothing to do, please go back. Although this is your territory, the room is for me to live in now. I'm tired. need a rest."

Chi Guoguo's order to chase away guests, Ouyang Yinuo has always been in a high position, a person who is used to being a commander, everyone can only bow down and submissively in front of him.

Now being treated like this, his chest heaved, and he suppressed his anger several times. He poked his cane on the ground, "Lu Li Jingyuan, let me tell you, since I found you, don't even think about flying out again!"

With her husband's surname Su?Mrs. Su? !Oh, what a joke!
Ouyang Yinuo turned around and eased his tone, as if the tense atmosphere just now was just a phantom, "It's really late today, you should rest early, I will come to see you tomorrow"

After speaking, he turned and went out.

The bodyguard at the door immediately closed the door.

Hearing the door slam shut, Su Jingyuan didn't turn her head, but she inadvertently grabbed the orchid leaves in her hand.

Xia Yumo opened the door and peeped outside like a mouse. Seeing that there were fewer guards swaying and standing guard before, and all of them turned their backs to this side, she opened the door carefully and walked out.

She didn't know when Ouyang Hanting would come back, but seeing that he changed clothes on purpose and went out, dressed so flirtatiously, he must have gone to meet his sweetheart.

Under normal circumstances, when a man sees a woman who is attracted to him, he will not only be moved by his heart, but will also act impatiently.

Especially for men with strong bodies, the demand in that area is even stronger.

This is the knowledge Jason taught her.

Therefore, at this moment, combining theory with practice, she determined that Ouyang Hanting would not come back for a while.

Well, it's just a good time to find out if there is the old woman Jason is looking for.

What she thought was that this place was tightly guarded, and even if Jason could get close to the outside, he couldn't get in.

I came here just to take advantage of the opportunity and help out.

In fact, she was right.

Jason did not make it into the yard.

Too much defense.

The position of the guard station was some distance away from her side, which provided her with great convenience. She crept to the back of the house from the other side.

In the small yard surrounded by iron fences, there are a total of a dozen cabins.

They are all connected by wooden corridors, and it is easy to make noise when walking in shoes, so she only wears a pair of socks, and moves lightly, like a thief.

Looking at the wooden houses one by one, they were all pitch-black inside, and it was impossible to see anything clearly, only the lights in the last house were on.

I wanted to lean over, but found that there were two bodyguards guarding the door.

(End of this chapter)

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