Chapter 552

Xia Yumo returned to her senses, shook her head, "No."

But I thought in my heart, there is always a very familiar feeling, very familiar and warm, but I can't remember it, I can't remember anything.

"Then why do you look like you're about to cry?" Ouyang Hanting became interested when he saw her face changing so quickly.

"If you fail to run, of course you want to cry."

Talking nonsense without blinking an eye.

"Is that so?"

"Isn't it like this?"

"Now I feel that what Qin Shuang said makes sense."

"What did she say?"

"You woman is really forgetful, let me remind you, she said you are plotting something wrong"

"Oh, this matter. I always feel that you are trying to bring hatred to her. I won't hate her." Xia Yumo seemed to be very understanding and said, "What is her duty, I wake up in the middle of the night, indeed It's more suspicious, if I were her instead, I would be suspicious too."

Ouyang Hanting felt that the little woman in front of him was really interesting, she was the one who acted wildly, the one who was cute and funny, and the one who seemed to be understanding.

Such a flexible ability to adapt is a good interpretation of the saying that the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth.

Call girl, if she is a call girl, then my eyes are white.

Ouyang Hanting thought to himself, but said, "You don't hate her, you are really kind. Then let me remind you one more thing. Qin Shuang found out that your companion, Lucy, who also came from Thebes, returned secretly. In the barracks, the two fought against each other, and they have already detained them."

Xia Yumo's heart beat violently, her face turned pale.

Ouyang Hanting watched her expression change, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, but he continued calmly, "Then, I found a very interesting thing."

Jason was taken down, and if it is discovered again, it should be because of his disguise as a woman.

Xia Yumo bit her lip, her white teeth unconsciously biting a bruise on her moist lips.

The action of Ouyang Hanting staring at her like a needle was because she thought of Xia Yumo again.

"Aren't you curious about what you found?"

Xia Yumo took a deep breath, suddenly smiled like a flower, and asked kindly, "What did you find?"

"How about we go to witness together tomorrow?"

Ouyang Hanting was obviously very interested.

Xia Yumo's heart turned cold. If Jason was caught, it would be tantamount to a mission failure.

Although I don't know why Jason is so sure that he won't betray her, but it doesn't mean that Ouyang Hanting and the others won't find out from other ways.

How to clear the suspicion now?

In fact, no matter how you wash it, you can't clean it.

The man disguised himself as a woman and sneaked into the base with false identities, everything was already obvious.

All we can do now is wait for rescue.

However, the Luli family has been hidden for so long, will it come out for Jason?

The anxiety in her heart made Xia Yumo absent-minded.

Ouyang Hanting saw that she was half lost, and suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, "What are you thinking?"

"Ah? I didn't think about anything, I'm sleepy." He yawned pretendingly, rubbed his eyes and stretched his waist, "When I'm sleepy, I can't concentrate. What did you just say?"

"It's nothing, go back to sleep when you're tired."

Almost dragged away by Ouyang Hanting.

Xia Yumo thought that if Jason exposed it, then she probably couldn't hide it, and Ouyang Hanting was so smart and treacherous, he probably already doubted herself.

If I don't make trouble now, I'm just deliberately playing a game of cat and mouse to amuse her!

Thinking of this, she didn't have the heart to pretend anymore, acting was so tiring, and she didn't expect to be better than blue in Jason's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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