Chapter 566 Too Unfair
"Grandma Su actually didn't want to leave. She just reunited with her granddaughter after the catastrophe. She wants to go out and see the world. She can't stay here forever. If Grandpa Ouyang is worried, he can follow him or send someone to follow him." That's it."

Su Jingyuan was interrupted by Xia Yumo's words, and immediately woke up from her anger, realizing that she almost messed up the matter because of impulsiveness.

I don't know why, but at this age, being in front of Ouyang Yinuo, I can't calm down so much!
As long as I see him, I will feel annoyed, and when I think of being locked here by him, like a bird in a cage, I will be furious.

To be able to endure without losing your temper, but to treat him indifferently is already a great endurance.

"What Xiaoyi said was exactly what I thought." Su Jingyuan nodded under Ouyang Yinuo's gaze.

Ouyang Yinuo has always been suspicious and cunning, but at this time, because of Su Jingyuan's good face, he nodded like a young boy, "Okay, okay, since you don't want to leave, then it's okay. I I have stepped back from the position of the helm of the Ouyang family, and I want to go out to relax, just along the way."

Su Jingyuan's face darkened again.

And Xia Yumo suddenly felt that Ouyang Yinuo, who was aloof, had become almost like a brazen rascal at this moment.

People don't want to see him, and he is so shameless and shameless, he really has a fight with someone!

Turning his head to look at the seemingly arrogant officer beside him, he was convinced that this was heredity!

Han Zirui was surprised that Ouyang Yinuo agreed so happily, but what was even more surprising was that Ouyang Yinuo actually wanted to follow.

However, no matter what, as long as they leave this base, he will have a lot more chances to attack, and the chance of success will be even greater.

At that time, with Qi Shuheng's help, it would be a breeze to take Su Jingyuan away.

Now, what caught his attention even more was the woman named Xiao Yi beside Ouyang Hanting.

The faces are very different, but the body shape and feeling are too similar.And Ouyang Hanting actually neglected Lin Simeng and took her by his side every step of the way, it's really worth thinking about.

Realizing that Han Zirui had been staring at her, she felt a little hairy, raised her eyes and glared at him bluntly, Jiongjiong thought to himself, could it be another man she recognized as Xia Yumo? !

Just thinking about it, Han Zirui said, "I feel like this young lady is very similar to my fiancée."

Nani? !
Xia Yumo's jaw dropped from shock, and Ouyang Hanting transformed into Bao Gong.

Before Xia Yumo could respond, Ouyang Hanting had already said, "You want Momo to be crazy, so you think everyone looks like her? It's a pity that I fell in love with her first."

As he spoke, he pulled Xia Yumo forcefully, grabbed her waist with both hands and pressed on his lap, and let her sit directly on his lap in front of so many people.

His arms wrapped around her waist affectionately, holding her tightly.

Xia Yumo's cheeks were blushing.

Even if she keeps saying that she is a lady from Thebes, and that she has studied acting with Jason for a long time.

But... But this is the first time I have encountered this situation!

The practical ability is still very poor!
In embarrassment, she struggled a few times, feeling the urge to tear someone apart.

Su Jingyuan frowned, staring at Ouyang Hanting, even the best self-cultivation was almost destroyed, "Master Ouyang, please at least respect me, my family Momo has endured so much to save you, and she has fallen into poverty." The fate of amnesia, what you are doing now, is it too cruel and unfair to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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