Chapter 570 Not Full
Han Zirui kept tapping on the edge of the window, counting the time, about half an hour later, a slender figure appeared, he smiled, opened the door and walked out.

Qi Shuheng threw him a key, "It's all taken care of, and you can handle the rest by yourself. That's all I can do. Don't drag me into the water again. I will never be threatened by you again." .”

Han Zirui caught the key, raised his eyebrows, "Don't worry, I won't threaten you again. I'm not the kind of greedy person."

Qi Shu gave him a cross-eyed look, and refused to comment on his "self-knowledge".

Just curiously asked, "Why do you suddenly want to save a spy?"

Han Zirui shook the key, "I was entrusted."

Qi Shuheng heard the words clearly, "Your grandma Su?"

He remembered that Han Zirui had just gone to see Su Jingyuan, and when he came back, he came to him and asked him to cancel his plan to rob Su Jingyuan and save a man who was locked in a cell in the base instead.

"Ask if you know!" Han Zirui said angrily, "It's not too late, I'll go to work first."

Qi Shu rolled his eyes sideways, "You're crossing rivers and destroying bridges too fast, aren't you?"

"Must!" Han Zirui didn't turn his head.

Xia Yumo stayed in the room, obviously absent-minded.

And Ouyang Hanting was facing the computer, typing on the keyboard all the time.

She didn't quite understand why he was always so busy.

However, one thing is very clear, that is, the busier Ouyang Hanting is, the more leisurely and safe she will be.

Therefore, she once hoped that this man would die on the keyboard.

While she was drawing circles to curse Ouyang Hanting, Ouyang Hanting tapped the keyboard for the last time, then looked up at her, "Cursed me in my heart for so long, and haven't finished cursing?"

Xia Yumo's eyes widened, surprised, "How do you know I'm cursing you?"

Is he doing two things at once?It's obvious that he is very focused on handling official duties.

"The way you look at me can turn into a knife. You're not cursing me, are you trying to lust at me?"

A vein twitched on Xia Yumo's forehead, "I didn't curse you, nor did I lust after you, I was just praying for you."

"Huh? What are you praying for?"

"Pray that you eat well, grow stronger and more energetic!"

"Whether the food tastes good or not depends on the dishes. As for being physically strong and more energetic, I am a little hard to understand."

As Ouyang Hanting said, he pushed away the chair and stood up.

Xia Yumo raised her face, "What's so hard to understand?"

"You pray that I am strong, does that mean that in your eyes, my body is really not very strong? The energy is not deep enough to meet your needs?"

Ga? !

Xia Yumo stretched her neck, "Where is this? Sir, your associations are too rich. I didn't mean that at all!"

"You don't mean anything? Anyone who listens to this kind of prayer will think that I can't feed you enough."

Ouyang Hanting's evil and ambiguous eyebrows and eyes made Xia Yumo shrink back involuntarily, "Then just pretend I didn't say that."

Ouyang Hanting refused to give up, "God has heard your prayer. As you wish, I am eating well now, because you are a vegetable, strong in body, and very energetic, because you must have such a disciple to make your way Eat the vegetables and digest well, what do you think?"

Xia Yumo swallowed hard, retreating again and again, "You, you really think too much. I'm definitely not your type. People like you should eat delicacies from mountains and seas. At best, I'm just a plate of pickles. Can't get into your mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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