Chapter 573 I'm mad!

"You are indeed not good to me. If you are really good, you should respect my wishes and let me go back to the barracks."

Xia Yumo's understanding and Ouyang Hanting's expression are obviously not on the same channel.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Ouyang Hanting seemed to agree with him after hearing this.

Xia Yumo's eyes lit up when she heard the joke, "So, can you consider letting me go back?!"

Ouyang Hanting nodded, "Yes, we should really consider it."

He looked at Xia Yumo thoughtfully, pretending to be in deep thought.

Xia Yumo blinked excitedly, stared at him nervously, and urged cautiously, "There's no need to think about it, as long as you say nothing."

Ouyang Hanting pinched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Indeed, as long as I say a word, you can leave this yard. But Xiao Yi, I am not reconciled."


Xia Yumo was puzzled, "Is there anything you can't be reconciled to?"

"To be exact, it's not that I'm not reconciled, it's that it is." As he spoke, he pointed his finger down.

Looking in the direction of his finger, Xia Yumo almost vomited blood, "You, you are simply too shameless!"

Ouyang Hanting was serious, "This is the most normal physiological need of all men who are in their right age and normal in that respect. How can they be shameless?"

"Besides, don't you just use this kind of needs of men to live?"

Xia Yumo's face was gloomy, "I have nothing in common with you!"

"Oh? So, you don't want to leave."

"I can't leave, what does it have to do with this kind of thing?"

Ouyang Hanting calmly said, "I've made up my mind. As long as you do your job with due diligence and make me feel satisfied, I will let you go. Not only you, but also your partner, what is that Lucy? hypocrite."

"You are dreaming!"

Without even thinking about it, Xia Yumo immediately refused.

Ouyang Hanting slanted his eyebrows, unhurriedly, "Then, if you want to leave here, it's also a dream. Just stay here and spend time with me. Anyway, I have a lot of time. I just don't know your little friend , Is there any fate waiting for you to consider."

"Ouyang Hanting, you are simply too despicable, how could you do this!"

Ouyang Hanting shrugged nonchalantly, "Why can't it be like this? I was thinking, if you don't, according to your nature, you will never take the initiative. So, I will help you."

Xia Yumo gritted her teeth, "What's the difference between you doing this and forcing me?"

"Of course there is a difference. You will take the initiative to satisfy me."

A certain person had a shameless face, saying this without any shame.

"You have to make a decision early. Your little friend is in Qin Shuang's hands, and there are old grievances between Qin Shuang and him. It is estimated that his life is very difficult at present."

"You are simply too despicable and shameless!" Xia Yumo was so angry that she didn't know what words to use to express her anger at this moment.

Ouyang Hanting was in a good mood, even though Xia Yumo used so many derogatory words to describe him, he still had a smile on his face, "This is a qualified bad man, don't they say that men are not bad and women don't love them? You are in love with me!"

Xia Yumo decided to continue talking with him, not only would she not be able to reach a satisfactory result, but she would also go mad with anger!
Gouging him out annoyedly, Xia Yumo's mouth was closed like a clam shell, and she didn't open her mouth to say anything!
[1] Thanks for the reward of Paris Children's Shoes, another chapter today!
(End of this chapter)

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