Chapter 575
Ouyang Hanting smiled instantly, "Momo, you are so stubborn, I just love your backbone and tenacity!"

However, when Xia Yumo called out the word "Momo", it was as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on her, and her heart was instantly chilled!
He had always called her Xiaoyi before, but at this time, he called out the word "Momo". Although these two words sounded very sweet and emotional at this time, the first thing she realized was that Or was he being used as a substitute for another woman!

In her eyes now, the person she replaced was Lin Simeng who was arranged by Ouyang Hanting!

I hate this feeling of being someone else's stand-in!

"Look at me," Ouyang Hanting ordered.

However, Xia Yumo closed her eyes tightly with a cold expression.

"What's wrong with you, look at me."

Xia Yumo acted as if she didn't hear it, she looked like she couldn't see it, her lower lip was bitten, and blood flowed down her chin!
Seeing Xia Yumo's self-torture like this, Ouyang Hanting slammed his forehead in anger, and stretched out his hand to grab her cheeks, "Open your mouth!"

Xia Yumo was forced to loosen her teeth, but still did not open her eyes.

Take a deep breath, "You hate me that much?!"

Xia Yumo finally opened her eyes, her eyes were icy cold, "That's right! It's just so annoying, just thinking about it makes me feel sick!"

His face was gloomy like dark clouds, and his emotional eyes suddenly cooled down, "Okay, very good! So it's my own wishful thinking! I'm so sorry to have caused you to suffer such a big insult!"

Ouyang Hanting got up suddenly, slammed the door and left.

Ouyang Hanting left, she should have breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't feel happy or relieved because of it, on the contrary, her heart seemed to be pressed against a rock, heavy and cold, as painful as death.

At the same time, Jason suddenly threw off the iron chain on his arm, and with unexpected speed, grabbed Qin Shuang's shoulder. On one side of his body, he stepped behind Qin Shuang with nimble steps. With force, Qin Shuang's shoulder bones were removed neatly, making her unable to use her arms.

The severe pain stimulated her heart, and she could not help shivering all over. Lifting her foot was like a split, trying to suppress Jason, but Jason took a step faster, grabbed her waist, lifted her up, and threw her towards the wall next to her. .

Fortunately, Qin Shuang's body was as flexible as a cat's. Even though he was in mid-air and his arms couldn't use his strength, he could maintain an excellent balance. When he landed, he only bumped his back against the wall, but he didn't really fall down.

After doing this series of actions, Jason was sweating all over, and his clothes were soaked.

His body felt like it was about to explode, and his blood was boiling hot, because the effect of the incense extract in the tent had been maximized.

Panting heavily, even his eyes were a little blurred.

Looking at the woman on the opposite side, the color of blood gradually appeared in the fundus of the eyes, as if a beast saw a prey that could fill its stomach, and wanted to pounce on it and feast on it.

Qin Shuang naturally noticed the change in his expression.

She knew what she was injecting Jason with, and because she knew it, it was even more terrifying!
She originally came to see how Jason was suffering. Unexpectedly, when she came back and approached Jason, she didn't notice anything unusual. However, when she was unprepared, he broke free from the chain and successfully attacked she.

No, to be precise, he didn't break free from the iron chain, but someone opened the iron chain that trapped him!
(End of this chapter)

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