Chapter 582
"How is she?!" Ouyang Hanting immediately asked nervously after the base doctor had finished examining Xia Yumo's body.

The base doctor had worked in the base for more than ten years, and it was the first time he saw Ouyang Hanting look so nervous.

"The patient's head was hit, although it was not too serious, but in view of previous head injuries and concussions, the situation this time may not be optimistic."

As soon as the doctor's words came out, Ouyang Hanting suddenly violently picked up his collar, lifting him up from the ground like he was carrying a chicken.

"What did you say?! Say it again!"

Ouyang Hanting was emotional, his red eyes were bloodshot, as if if he said one more word that didn't satisfy him, he would kill him immediately!

It's a lie to say that I'm not afraid, but this doctor is also very backbone.

"The patient may be fine, they may have a severe concussion."

When Ouyang Hanting heard this, he immediately threw the doctor out, "Trash! What is maybe?! If you have a concussion, what is the use of keeping you?!"

The doctor fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

At this time, Ouyang Yinuo came over, saw this, poked his cane on the ground a few times, frowned, and said in a cold and dignified voice, "Hanting, what are you doing! It's just a big deal, let you Such a mess!"

Ouyang Hanting's face was still gloomy, and the cold anger in his eyes did not subside in the slightest. After being taught by Ouyang Yinuo, he only said solemnly, "Grandpa, I can't lose her again! So, if she is not good at all, these trash There is no need to live!"

When Ouyang Yinuo heard this, his face turned blue with anger, "Bastard!"

Ouyang Hanting looked at Ouyang Yinuo, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did. Instead, he admitted directly, "Yes, I'm an asshole! If I hadn't been an asshole, I wouldn't have been deceived in the first place. I don't even know she exists! If I don't know how to be a jerk, I should have given her a prosperous wedding early, so that people all over the world know that she is my wife of Ouyang Hanting, instead of always taking into account the objections within the Ouyang family If I hadn't been a jerk, I wouldn't have let her suffer so much, and wouldn't have made her unconscious now!"

Ouyang Yinuo was so angry that Ouyang Hanting almost trembled.

He could understand Ouyang Hanting's mood, but he couldn't accept his being so emotional!
Ouyang Hanting has never let him down in anything, except for something related to Xia Yumo.

It is said that a beauty is a disaster, and it is true.

Before that, he was very determined to help Ouyang Hanting and Xia Yumo.

But seeing Ouyang Hanting like this at this time, he suddenly worried that there would be a day when Ouyang Hanting completely lost his mind because of Xia Yumo.

If that's the case... How can he rest assured that such a weak point will be kept by his heir's side? !
He was here to see Xia Yumo, but he was completely distracted by Ouyang Hanting's attitude, and he poked his crutches and left angrily.

The doctor struggled to get up from the ground, his whole face was like a bitter melon.

Ouyang Hanting took a few deep breaths before resisting the urge to throw him out again, and asked coldly, "When will she wake up?"

"This one……"

It's hard to say three words, and I can't say it anyway. The doctor is very sure that if I really say it, I will be thrown and unable to get up this time.


(End of this chapter)

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