Chapter 585 You Shut Up

The implication is that Xia Yumo will not be tempted by Ouyang Hanting again and again, and be with Ouyang Hanting.

Ouyang Hanting naturally understood what he meant, and was annoyed for a moment, almost wanting to chop Han Zirui to pieces immediately.

However, no matter what the annoyance, he also knew that although Han Zirui's words were harsh and intended to target him, every word he said was an indisputable fact.

He did make Xia Yumo get injured and die for him time and time again, and this ulterior motive of Lin Simeng did block the bullet for him.

Even if this gun shot, to a large extent, it was because she rushed out suddenly and bumped into Xia Yumo that it caused the fire to go off and hurt people.

In everyone's eyes, Lin Simeng was a deeply affectionate woman who would risk her life for her.

"Then I'll tell you clearly today, even if you do it again, you still won't get her people, let alone her heart! As long as I, Ouyang Hanting, are here, you, Han Zirui, will always be a loser!"

The unruly words, spit out every word in a serious manner, smashed Han Zirui's expression of determination to win to pieces!
Ouyang Hanting was very confident, so confident that Han Zirui felt a little uncertain.

He would never be so swayed by other things, but only here, Xia Yumo's self-confidence will always become negligible.

"Ouyang Hanting, don't always talk so full of words. One day, she will find out that I am good."

The voices of the two talking became louder unconsciously. Xia Yumo was woken up and stared at them with wide eyes, but they didn't notice.

When they found out, Xia Yumo had already put on her shoes and went to the ground.

"I found that when you meet together, you are always so focused and passionate."

Xia Yumo rubbed her forehead, walked to the table, and poured herself a glass of water from the teapot on the table, no matter how cold the tea was, she took it up and poured it all down.

The cool tea glides over the almost parched throat, which is refreshing and comfortable.

When I spoke again, my voice was not so hoarse, but much clearer, "A lot of times, I think that you are actually very suitable to be a good pair of gay friends, the kind who attack each other."

The complexions of Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui turned dark at the same time.

It was almost the first time, standing on the united front, gnashing their teeth, shouting in unison, "Shut up!"

Xia Yumo accepted it as soon as she saw it, shrugged her shoulders, and really shut up.

But after the two yelled, they realized at the same time that the person they yelled at was the real Xia Yumo.

It was the woman they all wished they could tie by their side so that no one would see her.

So, the two said in unison again, "Are you awake?"

Maybe it was because they realized that they always said the same thing at the same time when they opened their mouths, so the two instinctively killed each other with eye knives.

"Your voices are so loud that they almost knocked off the roof. Unless I'm dead, it's hard not to wake up."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Don't always talk about death!" Ouyang Hanting was particularly disgusted by the word "death" she said casually.

Xia Yumo pursed her lips and didn't say much.

Han Zirui's face was serious, he stared at Xia Yumo without blinking, and said slowly, "You remember everything now, don't you?"

Xia Yumo was taken aback by the question, and then realized that since she woke up, she had recovered her memory, and she had shown it in front of them without any concealment.

When asked by Han Zirui at this time, she simply admitted generously, "Yes, I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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