Chapter 600 Frustration
Xia Yumo looked at Han Zirui, "You are so overbearing, is there a third choice?"

"Yes, the third option is that you stay here and wait for the beast's snack. Anyway, it's getting dark now, and in the deep mountains and old forests, beasts and poisonous snakes are the least rare."

"You carry me."

Xia Yumo made a decisive choice immediately.

Climbing onto Han Zirui's back, he realized that this man looked tall and thin, but he had a broad back.

It is said that such a man is very responsible and can give women the most sense of security.

He is a rare family-friendly man.

"In the future, the person who will be your wife must be very happy."

Han Zirui heard the words, the climbing movement paused for a moment, then continued to climb up as if nothing had happened, and asked seemingly casually, "How do you say it?"

"You will be a responsible husband."

"I do not know how?"

"That's because you're still married, and you'll know when you're married."

"With your good words, I also hope that I will become that kind of man."

Unless the woman who will be my wife will be you...

He smiled silently, and climbed faster.

When the two returned, it was already dark.

Han Zirui was about to send Xia Yumo back, but when he walked not far from the small courtyard, Xia Yumo asked him to put himself down, "I'll go back by myself."

Han Zirui put her down as he said, a little worried, "Can you do it yourself?"

Xia Yumo waved her hand, "No problem at all, it won't take even 2 minutes."

Han Zirui stared deeply at her, and after a while he spoke in frustration, "Are you so afraid that he will misunderstand you? We are just friends, and we will clear ourselves up. I am really worried about you like this."

Xia Yumo took a deep breath and smiled, "I'm not afraid of his misunderstanding, but I don't want him to be uncomfortable from the bottom of my heart. I love him, so I don't want to have even the slightest misunderstanding with him. It doesn't matter whether you are afraid or not. Han Zirui , we are friends, and I believe that we will always be very good friends, the kind that has absolutely nothing to do with the relationship between men and women."

Han Zirui tightened his fingers and loosened them, "Actually, you don't have to keep emphasizing anything, I understand that, and I will strictly abide by the boundaries and never exceed half a point. You go, I will watch you go in."

Xia Yumo opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, turned around and walked resolutely towards the small courtyard.

Han Zirui silently stood behind her, silently watching her move away from him step by step, and his heart turned from pain to cold every inch.

Sometimes, this kind of hopeless chasing and waiting is... too tiring and exhausting.

And he himself didn't understand why every time his heart seemed to die, and when he saw her again, he would be full of anticipation.

Repeated expectations, disappointments again and again... When will it end?
Many times, I don't want to continue anymore, so instead of entanglement, it's better to take a step back and bless.

This is also a kind of deep love, but... after all, it can't be done.

Seeing her throwing herself into the brightly lit courtyard, he turned around silently and walked into the darkness.

Ouyang Hanting leaned against the door to check the time, Xia Yumo was a little surprised.

He deliberately straightened his back so that he could stand up straight without showing any signs of pain.

"Oh, is this a watchmaker's stone? How long has it been? Do you need to miss me so much?"

Hearing the sound, Ouyang Hanting raised his head to look at her, and after a glint of darkness flashed in his eyes, he laughed, "I didn't do a husband-watching stone, but a wife-watching stone, for you, I can't wait to tie you down every second. It's not like you don't know it by your side."

(End of this chapter)

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