Chapter 602 Grinding teeth
"It's Daisy again!"

In Ouyang Hanting's voice, there was an annoyance of gnashing of teeth, which made Xia Yumo tremble, and couldn't help but look back at Ouyang Hanting, "Are you okay?"

Ouyang Hanting let go of her and stood up, "You should worry about yourself! Lie still, I'll be right back!"

Xia Yumo's stomach growled twice, and she raised her voice to protest, "Hey, where are you going, you haven't eaten yet! Are you going to starve me to death!"

"You deserve it if you starve to death, you have nothing to do with curiosity so much to follow Ouyang Jun!"

Xia Yumo pouted, did he take gunpowder? !She was the one who got hurt, okay?Not only did he not comfort him, but he also had such a bad face, what kind of attitude!

Depressedly, he buried his face in the pillow, and fell asleep in a daze after a while.

When he woke up again, he was stimulated by the coolness on his back.

Turning around, he found Ouyang Hanting sitting beside the bed with a small medicine box, seriously applying the medicine sticky in front of his face to his back.

Xia Yumo hummed comfortably, turned her head to sleep again, Ouyang Hanting raised his eyes to look at her, and said, "Don't sleep yet, eat dinner."

"Don't eat, sleepy!"

Xia Yu replied in a low voice, with deep sleepiness.

"No, your little body is too thin, you have to take good care of it."

"How come, it's good."

Xia Yumo buried her face in the pillow and responded in a daze.

Ouyang Hanting still put the potion on her seriously, "What's the matter, you are so thin, and you will have a baby in the future, how can you nurse the baby?"

Xia Yumo snorted, and almost jumped up after a while, "What did you say?"

Just after applying the potion and throwing away the cotton swab in his hand, Ouyang Hanting said solemnly, "I mean, it's time for us to create a human being."

Xia Yumo frowned, "No! I'm so young, I'm not chic enough!"

Ouyang Hanting raised his chin, unhurriedly, "It's not up to you."

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, "I can't help myself, don't forget, I am the one who conceived the child."

"But I am the one who decides when you will conceive a child, Momo, so don't make unnecessary struggles. No matter what you do, you won't be able to stop the progress of creating a human being."

"Go to hell! If I say no, I won't! I won't cooperate with you."

Ouyang Hanting packed the medicine box and ignored it.

Xia Yumo waited for Ouyang Hanting to go out, and immediately gritted her teeth and climbed to the head of the bed, opened the drawer and saw that the contraceptive pills/TT inside were all destroyed...

"Ouyang Hanting!"

Xia Yumo roared!
Outside, Ouyang Hanting walked in unhurriedly, seeing Xia Yumo's grief and sorrow, he just smiled softly, "Don't call me that, don't worry, I'm always here, and..." pointing My ears, "The ears are very good, you don't need to waste your voice so much."

Xia Yumo gritted her teeth and really wanted to kick him, but unfortunately her back hurt too much.

St. Martins Hotel.

"I got some interesting news."

Lan Yan leaned on the sofa by the window, she was as elegant as a nobleman.

Sitting across from him, Dai Lisi's cold and arrogant temperament like a female soldier was restrained, and her low bodice set off her arrogance, which was a kind of charming and sexy.

However, in the eyes of the man opposite, there is still no trace of interest or emotion.

"Oh? What news?"

"About Xia Yumo"

When Xia Yumo was mentioned, Lan Yan turned her head slightly, and watched the busy traffic outside the window through the gap in the curtains.

(End of this chapter)

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