Chapter 609 Take your son under the knife!

Ouyang Jin also smiled, "Fu Xing? Hehe, that's right, you are my lucky star now, let me see what blessings you can bring to me!"

Looking past Xia Yumo to the two men behind her, "Why are you still standing there, come on!"

After receiving the order, the two of them immediately rushed towards Xia Yumo, intending to suppress her!
Xia Yumofei backed away two steps, threw one barb fist, the other dodged directly, and kicked the opponent's ass from behind.

The movement is flexible and crisp, very agile!
Reaching out like this caused a flash of surprise in Ouyang Jin's eyes, and she suddenly raised her lips and smiled, "No wonder I'm not afraid at all, it turns out I've learned a little bit about three-legged cats, so I'm confident!"

Xia Yumo raised her chin, "It's easy to say!"

She pretended to be brave, but her heart was pounding, because even if she could get rid of the two bastards, Ouyang Jin on the other side never made a move.

She doesn't know exactly what Ouyang Jin's skills are, but even if people from a family like Ouyang family are not all elite like Ouyang Hanting, they are definitely several times better than a half-way monk like her.

Therefore, she has no confidence at all that she can escape from Ouyang Jin's poisonous claws.

"Trash!" Ouyang Jin scolded the two men who were knocked down by Xia Yumo two or three times, "Since you are so capable, try to run away from me. I really want to see Look, how many skills you have learned. I also want to know how important you are to Ouyang Hanting's heart."

In the dark night, the down-and-out middle-aged man laughed out loud, showing his white teeth, like a ghost crawling out in the middle of the night.

It was already midnight when Ouyang Hanting returned to the hotel where he was staying, but the room was completely dark.

Xia Yumo is not here!
Realizing this, he suddenly had an extremely ominous premonition.

Just when he was about to contact the local staff to find out Xia Yumo's location information, his personal cell phone rang suddenly.

A completely unfamiliar number called at this time, making him immediately realize that it must be related to Xia Yumo.

Because there are only a few people who can know his private number!
After connecting, the voice from the other end of the phone made Ouyang Hanting's fingers tighten immediately, and the veins on the back of his hand popped out!

"It's really you!"

"Oh, good nephew, it's no wonder that you still miss me!"

After the transmission of the signal, Ouyang Jin's voice became more cold and mechanical, but full of vicious complacency.

"Where is she?! If you dare to touch a single hair of her, I will definitely kill you!"

Hearing such a threat over there, he laughed out loud, wildly and arrogantly!

"Ouyang Hanting, you actually sometimes jump! I thought that in this life, you would handle everything with the most rational and calm attitude!"

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and suddenly realized, "Oh, look, I forgot that you lost your mind more than a year ago, and it was because of this woman. It is said that a hero is sad for a beauty! Tsk tsk, I found out After being tortured by death once, she became even more beautiful and sexy, especially the snow-white skin on her body... Tsk tsk, my brothers here are all gearing up, thinking about how to kiss Fangze! One by one I've even thought about what pose to use!"

Ouyang Jin's words hit Ouyang Hanting's eardrums word by word, and the little bit of reason he finally regained was pushed to the brink of collapse by these dirty words and implied threats!

"Ouyang Jin! If you dare to do anything to hurt her, I'll be the first to take the knife on your son. If you don't believe me, try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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