Chapter 612 Shameless and Despicable

Ouyang Jin gave Ouyang Jun a warning look, "Shut up!" Looking at Dai Lisi, "Tell me about your plan."

Dai Lisi raised her red lips, "My plan is to completely enrage Ouyang Hanting! A man who loses his mind is the easiest to show his flaws and be defeated. As for the method of anger..." Dai Lisi looked at Ouyang Jun ...

Ouyang Jun glared at her, "Don't expect me to help the tyrant, help you to hurt her!"

Dai Lisi walked towards Ouyang Jun on catwalks, and said as she walked, "You haven't heard what I have to say, and you are so eager to refuse? Let me tell you, what I have arranged now can definitely fulfill your last wish!"

Ouyang Jun's face was as cold as ice, and he sarcastically said, "Can you help me with my wish? Heh, who do you think you are? How well do you know me?!"

"Maybe I don't know you well enough, but as men in the world, if you like a woman, you just want to sleep with her. What I want to tell you is that now is your chance. I want you and Xia Yumo Chunxiao For a time, how to do it as you like, the longer the process, the more tricks the better."

After hearing this, Ouyang Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then his gaze was like a knife blade, "De Lisi, what trick are you trying to play?!"

"It's nothing, I just want Ouyang Hanting to see how the woman he held in his hand betrayed him and had sex with other men. Ah Jun, you like Xia Yumo, don't think I don't know You can choose to refuse my request, but you have to think clearly, in this world, it is hard to find three-legged toads, but there are many men with two legs! With her current face, I don’t know how many men she wants to have. Woolen cloth!"

Ouyang Jun couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly grabbed Dai Lisi by the collar, "How can you be so shameless and despicable!"

Dai Lisi did not resist, looked down at the collar that was grabbed by him, raised her head for a while, held his wrist calmly, and then pushed it away, "Ouyang Jun, I'm not telling you this to make you scold me Yes. You can decide if you want to do it yourself, you can refuse, but in that case, I have to consider whether to arrange a foursome for her or something. I guess that kind of lens will be more shocking and more exciting. It can make people's blood boil. But then again, Xia Yumo, that bitch, will probably cry happily to death?!"

"You are no better than a beast!" He let go of Dai Lisi, and was about to hit her with his hand. This was probably the first time in his life that he was so impulsive that he wanted to do something to a woman.

However, before he dropped his hand, it was held by Ouyang Jin behind him, "Enough! You still protect that bitch! If you are willing to do this matter, you can listen to Dai Lisi's arrangement, if you don't want to , then find someone else!"

Ouyang Jun's face was livid, he suddenly shook off Ouyang Jin's hand, and took two steps back.

Knowing that they have made up their minds, and this place is under the control of Dai Lisi, his people can't get in now, and there is no way to save people. If he doesn't agree...Gritting his teeth, he made a sound like ice, "good!"

Xia Yumo was calculating the possibility of her escape, and finally, she found that the possibility was zero.

Because, the door opened.

Dai Lisi walked in with two strong men, and told her with the intuition trained in the Luli family that she couldn't handle any of the two people Dai Lisi brought.

"Take her away!"

The two men immediately came up and quickly untied the rope that bound her, and pressed her shoulders from left to right, their fingers generally showed no mercy.

"Delice, don't go too far!"

(End of this chapter)

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