626 Chapter 4 Guilty ([-])

"Ouyang Hanting" After a while, Xia Yumo finally spoke.


Xia Yumo raised her head and looked at her, her eyes were like the surface of calm water, without any fluctuations except his figure was reflected.

"Let me go."

Ouyang Hanting only felt his heart constricted violently, as if being twisted tightly by an invisible but sharp silk net, the pain was severe at first, and then lingering.

"Ouyang Jun and I have done everything that should be done and what should not be done. Haven't you always been obsessed with cleanliness? As far as I know, all the women you have ever had were virgins, and as long as You can't have other men with you, and once you have them, they will all be driven away, right?"

Ouyang Hanting's voice turned cold, "You understand quite well."

"So, I'm not qualified to stay by your side now, right? Letting me go is your last mercy to me."

Ouyang Hanting tightened his fingers, pursed his lips and looked at her without saying a word.

So miserable, his face has completely changed, and there is no trace of the past, except for the temperament on his body and the tenacity in his eyes.

However, at this moment, those agile eyes were covered with a thick layer of gray, with a sense of fatigue and vicissitudes.

The heart that was already in pain was caught again by the invisible big hand, rubbing it repeatedly, "You really like Ouyang Jun in your heart?!"

If you don't like it, why would you still shout so ecstasy in front of the camera? If you don't like it, why would you plead for him after he did that kind of thing? If you don't like it, why would you...

"Yes, I like him." Xia Yumo admitted calmly, "Now that he's dead, no matter what I do, it's impossible for me to be with him. Therefore, you have successfully done another great thing, Just like breaking up Jiang Yihan and me, now, should you be satisfied with this achievement?"

Ouyang Hanting only heard the fact that she admitted that she liked Ouyang Jun, but did not hear the sadness and desolation in her voice.

"Let me go, you've tortured me for so long, isn't that enough? Or, do you actually want to save my life?"

Ouyang Hanting seemed to have been hit hard, his mind was pounding and he was a little confused.

He just felt that he had made things very bad, but he couldn't regain his composure under the stimulation of Xia Yumo's words.

He couldn't even think about it a little soberly, how could a woman who didn't love him risk her life for herself time and time again.

"Let you go? Don't even think about it! Even if you die, you will be Ouyang Hanting's ghost!"

Like a crazy beast, he suddenly pulled Xia Yumo up from the ground and dragged her back.

Xia Yumo walked mechanically, and stumbled to keep up with his footsteps. At this moment, even her heart became numb.

I thought I got the most beautiful love, but it turned out that it was just a fragile bubble.

The trust between them is always so fragile.

It seemed that anyone could shatter their meager trust to pieces.

Or maybe, this is the price of caring too much.

Deep love does not last long, too deep feelings cannot last long, maybe it refers to them?

When Chu Han came back in a dusty suit, he was surprised to see the woman next to Ouyang Hanting, but he was startled when he saw the woman's condition.

His eyes widened, staring in disbelief.

It wasn't until Ouyang Hanting's cold eyes swept over him that he realized that he had lost his composure, and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"How about it?"

"Fortunately, I won it, but Ouyang Jun...is not here."

He found that when Ouyang Jun was mentioned, Ouyang Hanting's aura suddenly became as sharp as a knife.

And Xia Yumo next to Ouyang Hanting shook, but didn't respond, poking there like a log, but Mei didn't get angry.

He really wanted to ask which song Ouyang Hanting sang, but a rare intuition told him that if he didn't want to die without a whole body, he should not be too curious.So, he endured it.

(End of this chapter)

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