Chapter 628 is such a cheap (6)

Xia Yumo was dizzy from the fall, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the shower above the head was turned on by Ouyang Hanting, and the water poured directly on his body, causing his clothes to stick together.

"Ouyang Hanting, you pervert, lunatic!"

Xia Yumo's indifference finally couldn't be maintained, and she yelled loudly.

Ouyang Hanting looked down at the drowned Xia Yumo condescendingly, with a cold expression, "Yes, I am a pervert, a lunatic!"

But this perverted lunatic asked for it all!
If you don't care too much about this woman, if you don't love this woman too much... Hehe, people are so cheap!And he felt that he was especially vile!
It's gotten to this point, and I still don't want to let go!
Throwing down the shower head, he turned and walked out. When he reached the door of the bathroom, he suddenly turned his head and stabbed Xia Yumo with his gaze like a needle, "Don't always force me to do things that I don't want to do. Xia Yumo, I've already It's crazy enough, it's perverted enough, I don't want to be even crazier and perverted!"

Yes, even he himself felt that he was perverted!
From a man who has always regarded women as dung, to a man who spoils a woman so much that he doesn't want his own life, to doing things that he never bothered to do before, isn't this a complete process of going crazy and perverted?
Force a woman?Before he met Xia Yumo, only women were following him!
Sarcastically and self-deprecatingly raised the corners of his mouth, he went out and slammed the bathroom door.

Xia Yumo closed her eyes in embarrassment, and leaned against the bathtub, as if she had lost all her strength, allowing the shower head on top of her head to sprinkle water downwards, covering her head and face with her feet.

The sockets of her eyes were sore, and she felt a little hot, but she didn't know whether she was crying or not.

Tears and warm water are mixed together, and it is really hard to tell whether it is water or tears!
After such a difficult journey, I thought that the rain had passed, but it turned out that there were still more storms waiting.

The ups and downs along the way, even though it was intense and shocking, even if she struggled and wavered, she finally became firm and chose him.

What now?
The dazed emotion gave her a headache, and she lay in the warm water in a daze, and fell asleep so unknowingly!
Ouyang Hanting was handling official business in the study,

He wanted to completely crush Dai Shi and Han Zirui. He would not spare anyone who had hurt her, anyone who threatened her, and anyone who might take her away from him.

Crazy, yeah, that's crazy.

He never knew he could be this crazy.

For a woman!
After turning off the computer, he lit another cigarette and took a few puffs, but he didn't move any more. He just leaned back in the chair, raised his head, and closed his eyes to rest.

But the eyebrows have been tightly knit together, as long as you close your eyes, the pictures on the CD will rush in like a tide.

Yes, he cares.

Even though he had countless women before meeting her, after meeting her, he can be said to be clean and untouched.

As she said, even before she appeared, as long as those women were by his side, as long as they were during this period, they could only serve him alone!
In this kind of matter, he actually has a kind of hypocritical cleanliness, because he himself has had so many women, so how can he talk about cleanliness?

He made up his mind to accept everything about Xia Yumo, including the relationship with Ouyang Jun.

He believes that he can overcome it, because he loves her, even if he minds, he can tolerate her.As long as her heart is always the same.

It's a pity that she doesn't care as much as he does.

What she got in exchange for her full of loyalty was her half-heartedness!After thinking too much, his hand was suddenly burned, and the pain caused him to turn around abruptly, only to realize that the smoke had already burnt out and burned his fingers directly! [Thanks to 35**37 and 17**76 for the rewards of the two children's shoes, as well as the pro who gave the monthly pass, today I am still full of motivation, try my best to update ten times]

(End of this chapter)

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