Chapter 635 Loving you, it hurts too much! (2)

Chu Han spoke at this moment, and said, "Tell me, will she contact that Jason? They seem to have a good relationship. In the Internet age, it is very developed. As long as you provide your bank account, you can do anything online..."

Chu Han's reminder made Ouyang Hanting suddenly enlightened, and slammed the table, "It's him, it must be him!"

That bastard who is neither male nor female!
"Then what are you going to do?" Chu Han looked at Ouyang Hanting and asked.

"Look for it!" Ouyang Hanting's eyes were cold, "Even if she leaves, she can only go to the Luli family. Only there is her support. I don't believe she can go anywhere else!"

After Ouyang Hanting finished speaking firmly, he quickly frowned again.

If he made such a judgment, would Xia Yumo be surprised?Since she was going to leave, she would definitely not go where she could think of.

Thinking of this, his face darkened, and he changed his words again, "Forget it, don't go to the Luli family, she won't go back there."

Chu Han stared at him, "Then... what are you going to do? If she doesn't go to the Luli family, there will be a huge crowd, and it will be harder than finding a needle in a haystack if you want to find someone."

Needles can't run without long legs, but people can.

Ouyang Hanting leaned back in the chair, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and said for a while, "Send someone to keep an eye on Jason, don't disturb him."

After thinking for a while, Chu Han immediately understood what he meant, and followed suit.

Xia Yumo tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She had never stayed in such a small hotel.

Poor conditions can be tolerated, but the unbearable thing is that the sound insulation is even worse!
The humming rhythms of men and women in the middle of the night came and went, and the room on the left was over, and the room on the right sounded again.

She blocked her ears and tried to sleep peacefully, but she couldn't.

I turned over impatiently, I don't know how many times I turned over, and the sound continued.

She sat up suddenly, stared at the wall on the left, jumped up unbearably, raised her foot, and kicked the wall hard.

The hollow partition made a bang and trembled violently.

The next door finally silenced, and it was quiet for a while.

She lay down exhausted, and when she was about to fall asleep, the voice next door suddenly raised the voice, trembling, like the violin's trembling when the strings are broken!
The sleepy bug that Xia Yumo had managed to cultivate with great difficulty disappeared in an instant!

After the tremolo was raised, it lowered again, like a duck being strangled by the neck, making intermittent sounds out of breath.

Xia Yumo almost felt breathless because of her. If you are dedicated, you should be dedicated. If you are dedicated to this level, how much sense of accomplishment does it want to bring to that man?

Unable to bear it, she kicked the partition again.

This time, not only did the voice not disappear, but it seemed to be against her, and it was raised again.

Xia Yumo realized that she was really wrong. There is a saying that there are two kinds of people who cannot be offended, one is a villain and the other is a woman.

She obviously committed a big taboo and offended a villain who is a woman.

As a result, Xia Yumo was tormented by this rollercoaster-like spell of rising and falling voices for a whole hour afterwards.

Can't sleep, can only lie on the bed and squint.

after an hour.

It finally stopped, but the other side hummed again.

Xia Yumo couldn't even get angry, so she could only get up and squat in the public toilet of the small hotel.

The toilet is much cleaner than the room.

She squatted down and couldn't help but kowtow.

During this journey, he was worried because he was afraid that Ouyang Hanting would find him, and he never had a good night's sleep.

Now that she has finally arrived here, she can leave tomorrow, she feels more relaxed, and naturally feels sleepy.

When she kowtowed while squatting, the toilet door slammed.

Then there were clear footsteps, and it was two people. [Thanks for the 35**37 reward, today is still full of motivation, try to make ten more updates]

(End of this chapter)

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