Chapter 639 Loving you, it hurts too much! (7)

Xia Yumo looked at him with some sarcasm, "As you said, I was forced by you, so there's nothing I can do about it."

Ouyang Hanting's eyes sank slightly, "We must do this?"

Xia Yumo smiled, but appeared even more sarcastic, "Ouyang Hanting, is it appropriate for you to ask me this? You forced it to become like this step by step! You don't believe anything I say. You don't stop explaining. You are furious when you open your mouth, and I don’t explain it, but you insist on opening it before me. What do you think? Do you want me to jump off a building and cut my wrists or lie on a train to prove my innocence?”

Ouyang Hanting's chest was choked, and he opened his mouth to say something, but Xia Yumo said first, "Oh, don't be joking. I won't do such a stupid thing! I have been stupid once or twice before, and I will never do it again in the future. Same mistake!"

Ouyang Hanting's expression changed, "What do you mean?"

Intuition told him, these words, there is something in the words!

"Don't you understand what it means? You are so smart and wise!"

Ouyang Hanting suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, "Speak clearly!"

"Okay! You want to listen, don't you?! Then I'll tell you word by word. You must listen clearly! Ouyang Hanting, I, Xia Yumo, don't love you anymore, never again!"

I love you, it hurts too much!
And your love is too strong, I don't want to be burned to ashes by your love!

His wrist seemed to be broken, but Xia Yumo pursed her lips and gritted her teeth without saying a word.

The two faced each other silently for a long time, Ouyang Hanting suddenly let go, and the expression on his face that was about to set off a storm also disappeared in an instant, "It's okay if you don't love me, but it's impossible to leave if you want to."

Turning around, he waved to Chu Han who was not far away, and ordered, "Take it back!"

He tried his best to escape, and his hope was imminent, but it was suddenly shattered.

Xia Yumo seemed to have lost all strength suddenly, and was exhausted all over.

On the way back, Ouyang Hanting sat next to her, but he didn't even look at her.

It seems that her existence is simply air.

Chu Han sat behind them. Even though the cabin was not small, he still felt that he was about to be frozen to death by the air-conditioning released by Ouyang Hanting.

Ancestor, if this torment continues, it will be fatal.

Chu Han carefully rubbed his temples, lost the cover of the plain mirror, and the light blue under his eyes became obvious.

Because of the tossing between them, he hasn't had a good rest for a long time, okay?
Xia Yumo found that after being escorted onto the plane and taken back, her mood became extraordinarily calm after experiencing anger.

She couldn't figure out why she felt like this.

Could it be that, subconsciously, I actually... don't want to leave him at all?

Even if he is not trusted by him, even if two people are together every day, is it simply torture without words?Even if, when he got serious, he was extremely violent and ruthless?

Shocked by the thought of herself, she became a little afraid of herself.

If that's the case, then...has she loved Ouyang Hanting so much that she can't help but lose herself?
Xia Yumo, have you already lost yourself?It starts when you are willing to accept a dark and bloody world for him, and when you risk your life for him.

Thinking of this, she suddenly leaned on the backrest, and closed her eyes resignedly.

If that's the case, then so be it.

As long as he doesn't sleep, Hua Suliu finds a mistress who comes back to poke her bottom line, then so be it.

Those explanations that he didn't want to listen to or believe, after all, they could only rot in his own stomach, right?
After all, Ouyang Jun is dead, and the only person who can prove their innocence is dead.

Besides, what he cares about is not entirely whether she has a relationship with Ouyang Jun, but also because he thinks that she has a crush on Ouyang Jun!
(End of this chapter)

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