Chapter 653 The Lady Fainted (11)

To Xia Yumo's and Yi Xiaoshi's surprise, Ouyang Hanting came back at noon today.

When they entered the door, Ouyang Hanting was sitting on the big sofa in the center of the living room, looking at them majestically like an emperor.

Even if you don't speak, you can still leave their scum in seconds.

The appearance of wanting to ask a teacher for a crime.

Xia Yumo thought.

Be serious this time.

Thinking about it, Yi Xiaoshi quietly took a step back, hiding behind Xia Yumo.

Regarding Yi Xiaoshi's dishonest behavior, Xia Yumo did not intend to blame her at all.

Ouyang Hanting's aura would crush anyone to death.

In fact, she also wanted to quit, but she couldn't.

Seeing them come back, Ouyang Hanting seemed very interested and said, "How about it, go out for a while, do you have any experience? Do you want to share with me?"

Xia Yumo was depressed. Whenever it was her turn to go out for a trip, she would be interrogated three times. She still had to share her experience with him!
From behind her, Yi Xiaoshi tugged her sleeve quietly, the meaning was obvious, don't touch the stone with an egg.

Xia Yumo actually didn't want to argue with Ouyang Hanting, but, seeing his uncle-like appearance, she really wanted to poke him twice.

"There is a feeling"

Xia Yumo thought for a while and wanted to speak, but then she glanced upstairs, "However, I can't share it here. Good experience, the husband and wife have to talk slowly behind closed doors."

Ouyang Hanting was dumbfounded. Obviously, he didn't expect Xia Yumo to speak like that.

The mood that was originally dark and heavy, suddenly turned like a rainbow after the rain.

Sure enough, it was a bit of a fall, this woman, like a little witch, completely controlled her mood.

She can say anything casually, like magic, can turn the smoky mood into a good one.

Glancing at Yi Xiaoshi behind Xia Yumo, Ouyang Hanting didn't seem to want to pursue it any further, and said to Xia Yumo, "Okay, let's go back to the room and close the door, and discuss it slowly."

Hearing such ulterior motives, Xia Yumo trembled convulsively, looked back at Yi Xiaoshi, and mouthed, "For you, I have used all the beauty tricks, remember my kindness!"

Yi Xiaoshi slandered in her heart, and returned her kindness. Who am I going through fire and water for?

After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. I was entrusted by Jason to go through fire and water, and I promised him to do such a dangerous thing because he could get the medicine to hang my father from Luli Junrong... It seems that Xia Yumo really has a relationship with Xia Yumo. Nothing directly related.

"Yi Xiaoshi, you owe a favor"

Yi Xiaoshi rubbed her face, turned around coughing and sighing, and went back to the kitchen with the vegetables in her hand.

After closing the door, Ouyang Hanting leaned against the bedroom door with folded arms, raised his chin, "How about it, can we share our experience now?"

Xia Yumo sniffed, "It's fine. My experience is that I have no experience at all. If I have to say something, it's that it's a good life not to be a caged bird!"

Ouyang Hanting's black line, with an expression of self-inflicted, "You caused this result by yourself."

Xia Yumo didn't bother arguing with him anymore, any further arguing would only hurt her feelings.

"Well, I caused it myself. Now that I know I was wrong, I decided to reform myself. Do you want to give me a chance?"


"of course it's true."

"I do not believe you."

Ouyang Hanting is very straightforward.

Xia Yumo didn't seem to be surprised, "Forget it, pretend I didn't say it. However, I still hope that at least once a week, I will be given some time to relax. Even if I am a prisoner, I can still get out of the cell every day. Do you think so? Bar?"

Xia Yumo compared herself to a prisoner, Ouyang Hanting didn't like it at all, and it was so uncomfortable that he died.

But for him, no matter how uncomfortable it was, it was better than losing her.

(End of this chapter)

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