Chapter 655 The Lady Fainted (14)

In the morning, Xia Yumo was lying on the bed, watching Ouyang Hanting dig out the small box containing the comics from the drawer under the bed.

Opening the box, he took out a book and flipped through it. His face darkened when he read one book.

Xia Yumo couldn't stand it anymore, so she simply covered her face in the pillow and pretended to be an ostrich.

"Xia Yumo" was finally finished, Ouyang Hanting gritted his teeth, and stared at the woman on the bed like a dude.

Xia Yumo said silently: I didn't hear, I didn't hear, I really didn't hear.

"look at me!"

Xia Yumo didn't move.

"Did you hear me!"

"No! I'm still asleep."

"Hmph" Ouyang Hanting laughed back angrily, "Okay, then you can continue to sleep, I'll use these cartoons as firewood!"

Xia Yumo immediately turned to look at him, "Don't, don't! Don't burn it!"

Ouyang Hanting narrowed his eyes, "Tell me, who gave it to you!"

"I borrowed it myself."

"Borrowed from whom!"


"I can't even go out, can I go to the library to borrow?"

"I forced Xiaojiu to borrow it for me."

"The library?"

Get to the bottom of it, no good.

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, "The library closed down yesterday."

Ouyang Hanting nodded, "Okay, okay! You're pretending to be crazy and deliberately going around the corner, right? No problem."

He took out the lighter, picked up a book, and ignited the lighter with a click, as if to burn the book.

Xia Yumo was anxious, and immediately jumped up to rescue her, "Don't, don't!"

This is Yi Xiaoshi's fate, she promised to return to Zhao intact.

"to be frank"

"Borrowed from Yi Xiaoshi"

"It's really her." Throwing the book down, "Take it and return it to her later"

Xia Yumo was surprised, "It's not burning?"

Ouyang Hanting smiled evilly, "I won't burn it. However, if I don't burn it, someone will burn it. Since someone else will do it for you, why should I do it myself?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tomorrow you'll find out."

Ouyang Hanting made a fool of himself.

Xia Yumo couldn't get an answer, and felt very reconciled, but Ouyang Hanting might still be angry at the moment, so she didn't want to ask, lest it backfired.

It's better to return the book first.

Thinking of this, she immediately changed her clothes and tidied up, "I'm going to return the books."

"it is good"

Ouyang Hanting even watched her go out with a smile.

As soon as Xia Yumo left, Ouyang Hanting immediately picked up his mobile phone and made a call. After a while, he got connected, and a very special male voice came.

Especially because after listening to his voice, it makes people feel very comfortable, but it is impossible to describe that comfortable feeling.

"So early?"

The voice on the other side of the phone was obviously still a bit sleepy.

"It's late"

Ouyang Hanting looked at the time, his expression was not very good.

"what's up?"

There is no jitter over there, straight to the point.

"Tomorrow, come and take your pet back. Don't let her spoil anyone. If you can't make it tomorrow, don't blame me for stewing her to eat meat!"

"She's with you?!" The voice over there immediately raised a few scales, as if a gentle tune suddenly became agitated.

"Otherwise! As soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Hanting hung up the phone immediately, without waiting to say anything more!
Just after I hung up the phone, there was a sudden sound of running outside the door, through the crack of the open door, which was very clearly heard.


The door was pushed open violently, Yi Xiaoshi was out of breath.

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Hanting was obviously very dissatisfied with Yi Xiaoshi's reckless image.

"Ma'am... Ma'am, she fainted!"

Yi Xiaoshi's voice was like thunder on the ground, Ouyang Hanting was startled, and immediately stepped forward, "What's going on?! Where's the person?!"

"In my room!"

"call the ambulance!"

Ouyang Hanting quickly walked downstairs while giving instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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