Chapter 666 She Should Not Be Pregnant (11)

After the inspection, Peter and Ouyang Hanting went into the study room. Xia Yumo couldn't hear what they were talking about.

After Peter and the others left, she asked Ouyang Hanting about it.

Ouyang Hanting's answer was very perfunctory, "It's okay, you just need to rest well, maintain a stable mood, and don't get angry."

Xia Yumo was suspicious, "It's okay, when you guys are talking, are you still avoiding me?"

"That's Mr. Peter's professional habit. When he makes a speech, he doesn't like too many people."

"But I'm his patient, the one with the most right to listen, right?"

"I am the patient's husband, and I have more power than the patient himself."

Xia Yumo was so upset that she couldn't say Ouyang Hanting, she rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Ouyang Hanting didn't care, "You have a good rest, I'll go out and come back later today."

"Hmph!" Xia Yumo was annoyed.

"Okay, don't be angry, good boy, come back and buy you candy"

"You coax the child!"

"You are almost like a child now"

Ouyang Hanting went out with a smile.

After closing the door, his joking expression suddenly subsided, and he raised his hand tiredly to rub his forehead.

According to Peter's preliminary examination results, it is still not suitable for pregnancy, and according to Peter's analysis, her current situation is not optimistic.

Although she can't see anything at the moment, and she doesn't feel anything, but as the pregnancy time increases, all kinds of bad situations will come one after another.

Maybe they will explode at the same time, that is to say, children and adults still have to face painful choices.

After leaning against the door for a while, I packed up my emotions and went downstairs to leave.

In the simple and elegant environment, Qi Shu held a cup of herbal tea and tasted indole leisurely. Compared with Ouyang Hanting, he seemed very comfortable.

"Tell me, invite me this time, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that I haven't sat down and chatted for a long time, so I want to catch up with you."

Ouyang Hanting glanced at him, "Reminiscing about the past? This is what you should do with Han Zirui, right? In my impression, you seem to have more old memories with him."

Hearing this, Qi Shuheng put down his teacup, "Oh, may I think that you are jealous because you think I favor one person over another?"

Ouyang Hanting stabbed him coldly, "Qi Shuheng, I'm in an extremely bad mood today, I don't want to be a target, so stop talking so much nonsense."

Qi Shuheng put down the teacup, "Okay, then I'll just say it straight. Recently, there is a new force that is about to move. Speaking of this force, it appeared very suddenly, but its strength should not be underestimated. Up to now, not only us At home, even several batches of lists in Han Zirui's hands have been hacked. You should have heard about this."

Ouyang Hanting nodded, "That's right, I got it. Several lists of the Ouyang family were also hacked. Although it's not a big list, but after so many years of fighting in the Tao, dare to be in the Ouyang family There are really not many who break ground on their heads."

These days, Ouyang Hanting has been busy with Xia Yumo's affairs, and is also preparing to attack Han Zirui, so he didn't take this matter very seriously.

At this time, Qi Shuheng came to find him himself, and only explained one thing, that is, the matter was more serious than he had imagined.

"There aren't many, but this group of people dared to put their ideas on you, me, and Han Zirui. Don't you have any ideas?"

Ouyang Hanting frowned, "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. Those who do it are either out of their minds and looking for death, or they have made it clear that they are going to fight. Moreover, he should know your Ouyang family and Han Zirui's power very well, and he should know about my Qi family." Also very researched."

The implication is that either the brain is pumped, or it has been planned for a long time.

However, the power has just risen, and with such a big move, it is too ambitious to want to eat a fat man in one bite!
I don't know whether to say that this person is stupid or that he is too smart.

(End of this chapter)

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