Chapter 668 The target is her (2)

Greeted the baby, got up, and after washing, put away the clothes that Ouyang Hanting had changed and took them to wash. The moment she started washing, a bright lip print on the back collar of the snow-white shirt made her fingers stiff, and the shirt immediately It fell to the ground, and she couldn't react for a long time.


I don't know how long it took before she managed to pull out a smiling face and said this to herself.

However, she was no longer in the mood to wash clothes by hand, so she stuffed all the clothes into the washing machine, set the program, and went to the garden.

Since Yi Xiaoshi was taken away by Du Yuheng, her life in the villa became more and more boring.

There are no novels, no comics, no good friends, life has become a bit tormenting for her, but fortunately, she has a baby in her stomach, and she will try to talk to the child in her stomach.

Even though he doesn't listen yet.

The new maid is a middle-aged woman who doesn't talk much, a typical type who does more and talks less.

Not annoying, but definitely not too likable either.

The maid was about to leave after bringing the morning tea, Xia Yumo called her to stop, and smiled, "Mama Wu, lend me your mobile phone."

Wu Ma was stunned for a moment, and said, "Ma'am, my mobile phone is very simple and old, and I can't play any new things."

Xia Yumo knew she had misunderstood, and still smiled, "It's okay, as long as you can make and receive calls. Isn't mobile phones just for making calls?"

Wu Ma still hesitated, "But..."

"But what? I can go out alone once a week. Will I still be restricted from making phone calls? Mama Wu, Mr. told him to report my every word and deed to him at any time, but he didn't tell you that you are not allowed to Can you lend me your phone?"

Wu Ma hesitated for a while before taking out the phone to her.

Very old Nokia mobile phones, except for making and receiving calls and sending and receiving text messages, it really doesn't have any functions.

However, for Xia Yumo, this was enough.

When making the phone call, she did not hide Wu Ma's back, but made the call in front of her.

The call was for Lin Jie'er, but it took a while to get through.

Lin Jie'er's voice came through the microphone, obviously out of breath, "Hello, who is it?".

Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help joking, "Hey, did you just finish exercising?"


"Well, it's me"

"Why did you have the opportunity to call me? Didn't that fellow Ouyang Hanting treat you like a prisoner? I went to look for you several times, but he stopped me."

Xia Yumo snorted, "When the prisoner has time to relax, you can just pretend that I am doing it now."

Lin Jie'er was silent for a while, and her voice became lower, "Momo, you call me, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well, there are."

"Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

"Go to ** Road, there is a small noodle shop, just say 'help' to the owner there."

"Okay, I know"

After hanging up the phone, Madam Wu looked at Xia Yumo suspiciously, "Ma'am, you can't be..."

"Don't worry, I can't fly to the sky. Besides, I can't do anything."

Wu Ma nodded in doubt.

Rarely, Ouyang Hanting came back early once, met Xia Yumo and gave her an exquisite box, "For you."

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows, "Why did you think of giving me something?"

"I have already prepared to send it off, but today is the right time to send it off to you."

"How to say?"

Ouyang Hanting's face became a little unhappy, "Are you really ignorant, or are you pretending to be confused?"

"really do not know"

Ouyang Hanting suddenly bent down and hugged Xia Yumo, "Then I'll help you recall memories?!"

Xia Yumo exclaimed, and beat him a few times with some resistance, "Put me down!"

Ouyang Hanting was a little surprised by her reaction, but he didn't take it to heart, he just thought it was the sudden action that really surprised her.

"Then tell me if you remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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