Chapter 672 The target is her (6)

However, in love, women are not the ones who can afford to let go. Even if they really want to let go completely, it will take time.

Lin Jie'er did a good job before, but when the deep truth was revealed, it was cruel to her after all. An unintentional mistake changed her whole life.

"What are we talking about? Really, we finally got together and talked about these unhappy things."

Lin Jie'er raised her hand, quickly wiped away the tears that just flowed from the corner of her eyes, and smiled heartlessly.

"Don't talk about me, let's talk about you. Now that I have a baby, do you feel any discomfort? For example, morning sickness, can't eat, etc.? When I was pregnant with the baby, I was really tossed and turned pale! "

"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with it." Xia Yumo stroked her stomach gently, and smiled softly, "I didn't know that having a child would cause such a big psychological change. In the beginning, I have been working hard. Contraception. At that time, what I thought was that the child must not come into this world when there was a gap between me and him, but I really knew that I was pregnant, but what I thought was, no matter what, I should keep her and let her come to this world. Take a look at the colorful world, although not perfect."

Lin Jieer dragged her chin and looked at Xia Yumo, "Yes, before and after pregnancy, the psychological changes are indeed great. You must maintain a good mood, no matter what happens, you must maintain emotional stability. Pregnant women are emotionally anxious It can have a very bad effect on children."

"I know." Xia Yumo's smile did not change. Now she was trying her best to calm herself, thinking about nothing but the child.

However, in order to give birth to the child smoothly, the first thing she has to do is to lay a solid foundation for her body.

Therefore, she must now get in touch with Luli Junrong.

But Ouyang Hanting has recently treated her more strictly, not even giving her the chance to go out once a week, so she can only think of another way.

"Jie'er..." Xia Yumo suddenly raised her eyes to look at Mama Wu who seemed to be tidying up the flower garden not far away, and said in a low voice, "Leave your phone for me."

Lin Jieer froze for a moment, then understood what she meant, and nodded cheerfully, "No problem, I'll give it to you when I go to your bedroom later."

Xia Yumo shook her head, "The bedroom is not good, there is surveillance."

Surveillance is everywhere in this villa, there is no surveillance, only the staff dormitory at the back.

"Let's go to the staff dormitory at the back in a while," Xia Yumo said.

Lin Jie'er quickly understood Xia Yumo's intentions, and nodded, "Okay, let me also see how good the welfare conditions your big local tycoon offers."

Seeing them walking towards the staff dormitory, Mama Wu was a little surprised, but she got up and followed them not too far away.

In the front, Lin Jie'er noticed that Wu Ma was following, and sighed softly, "Your Ouyang Hanting really takes you seriously."

Xia Yumo didn't need to turn her head to know that Wu Ma was following her. As soon as Lin Jie'er came, she followed her at a distance. Isn't this typical surveillance?

"Ouyang Hanting can't wait to tie me with an iron chain and walk wherever I go. He has a crazy mind."

Lin Jie'er curled her lips, "I understand him, he cares too much about you."

"Go to **** care, I can't bear such care."

"Although you can't bear it, you are trying your best to bear it. Momo, you love him, accept your fate."

Lin Jie'er told the truth, like a rubber ball that discouraged Xia Yumo, it suddenly deflated.

Lin Jie'er stayed with Xia Yumo until just after lunch, when Qi Shuheng couldn't wait to fly over and kidnap her.

Xia Yumo and Lin Jie'er seemed to be staged a life-and-death parting, that was called reluctance.

Qi Shuheng and Ouyang Hanting were witnesses at the side, sweat dripping from the waterfall on their foreheads.

"Are you so? It's not like you won't be allowed to meet!" Qi Shu pulled Lin Jie'er horizontally, feeling ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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