Chapter 678 The Big Boss Lost in Seconds (1)

As soon as Chu Han entered the office and saw Ouyang Hanting, he suddenly didn't know how to speak. What he wanted to report to Ouyang Hanting was like a bomb that would explode if he held it in his hand.

"what's up?"

Ouyang Hanting also noticed Chu Han's hesitant expression, and there were very few things that could make him show such an uncertain expression.

"Boss, I have some news here, please calm down after hearing it."

Ouyang Hanting's first reaction was to frown, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

There was never anything that could make him lose his composure, unless it was related to Xia Yumo.

"The medical base was attacked..."

Before finishing the rest of the sentence, Ouyang Han suddenly stood up, "What did you say?!"

"The diagnosis and treatment base was attacked, and the medical facilities were completely destroyed. Madam... her whereabouts are unknown..."

Ouyang Hanting was startled, a blood-like color flashed in his pitch-black pupils, without saying anything, he pushed Chu Han away and strode out like a meteor.

Chu Han was shocked and hurried to follow.

While chasing, he said, "Boss, what are you going to do, now I have sent someone out to track down Madam's whereabouts, you..."

But Ouyang Hanting seemed not to hear, took out his mobile phone to make a call while walking, and ordered someone to prepare a helicopter and go directly to the medical base.

Chu Han knew that Ouyang Hanting was totally irrational at all, but he still stepped forward desperately and stopped him, "Boss, calm down! You can't leave at this time, since they know the whereabouts of Madam , it must have been prepared, maybe this is their plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain! If you go, what will you do here?!"

Ouyang Hanting kept walking, and said in a deep voice, "Stay here and adapt to any situation!"

"How can this work!" Chu Han was shocked, "I don't worry about you alone!"

"The big picture matters!"

Ouyang Hanting frowned, he didn't have much to say, he arrived at the parking lot, jumped into his car and left directly.

Chu Han wanted to give chase, but Ouyang Hanting's car fell off and aimed at him and rushed over.

Forced to dodge for a while, Ouyang Hanting's car flew away in a flash!

Chu Han beat his chest and stamped his feet, extremely anxious, "Oh! This is going to be a bad thing!"

Seeing Jiang Yihan again, Xia Yumo was surprised and couldn't believe it.

The man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with the neon lights of the city behind him, seemed as if nothing had changed, and at the same time, everything had changed.

His slender figure was as tall and straight as ever, just like when he was a student representative, standing on the stage in high spirits.

Seeing Jiang Yihan like this, he would always think of some things in the past uncontrollably.

However, the lonely feeling tainted by that figure made her feel strange and a little scared.

She had thought that maybe seeing Jiang Yihan again should be at a reception held by someone, or a birthday party, or some kind of social event.

Only, I didn't expect it to be like this.

He is suitable and has the power to turn clouds and rain, and he can easily take down the heavily guarded medical base, and easily harvest human lives as if they were worthless!
If she hadn't seen him collapse two little nurses without blinking, she would never have believed that he would become what he is now.


Jiang Yihan turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and leaned his back against the huge floor-to-ceiling window, as if he would spread his black wings and fly at any time.

"..." Xia Yumo didn't respond.

Jiang Yihan walked up to her slowly, "You finally came back to me."

Xia Yumo was startled when she heard the words, "Jiang Yihan, you, what do you want to do?"

"I thought, by now, you should understand me." Jiang Yihan smiled bitterly, and then his expression became a little sinister, "But it doesn't matter, I will gradually understand."

(End of this chapter)

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