Chapter 680 The Big Boss Lost in Seconds (3)

Xia Yumo was so startled that she immediately got up, staggered back a few steps, and stared at Jiang Yihan with wide-eyed eyes, as if she was looking at a mad monster!

"Jiang Yihan, do you even know what you're talking about?!"

Jiang Yihan raised his eyebrows, "I know, of course I know, Xia Yumo has not changed my mind, how could you choose another man?"

Never thought that Jiang Yihan would become like this, fear entangled her tightly, making her pale and fragile like white paper.

"I won't let you succeed, Jiang Yihan, if you dare to hurt this child at all, I will be at odds with you!"

Xia Yumo was like a frightened hedgehog, with sharp thorns all over her body.

Jiang Yihan's eyes were condensed, with heavy oppression, staring at the woman in front of him who was ready to fight him desperately.

Are you really not my Momo anymore?no no!

No matter what you become, I will make you mine again!
Thinking of this, Jiang Yihan suddenly smiled confidently, "We finally met again, don't talk about these hurtful things, and prepare to have dinner with me. You should remember what day it is today, right?"

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, hurting her feelings. If this went on like this, the only bit of her feelings would be completely wiped out.

"Jiang Yihan, do we have to make it so that we can't even be friends?"

"I never thought of being friends with you. In my heart, you can only be my woman."

There was no room for maneuver in Jiang Yihan's words.

Xia Yumo knew that at this time, whatever she said would only cause Jiang Yihan to react even more, so she could only choose to remain silent.

Xia Yumo's silence made the room suddenly dead silent, and the atmosphere was even freezing cold.

After a while, Jiang Yihan got up and looked at the time by the neon lights, "I'll send someone to pick you up in a while, you need to prepare first."

After speaking, Jiang Yihan turned around and went out the door.

As soon as Jiang Han left, Xia Yumo couldn't help but tremble.

Originally, I thought that the relationship with Jiang Yihan would be good, but I didn't expect that it would be a bad relationship in the end.

All kinds of men around her have become demonic obstacles.

When the servant knocked on the door, Xia Yumo sat on the sofa without moving.

The servant pushed the door open and came in, bowed to Xia Yumo, and said in not-so-fluent Chinese, "Miss Xia, Mr. Jiang invites you to come down and have dinner."

Xia Yumo still didn't move.

As if knowing that Xia Yumo would not be obedient, he added, "Mr. Jiang also said that if Miss Xia doesn't go down for dinner, a doctor will come tomorrow."

Xia Yumo seemed to be winded up suddenly, suddenly raised her eyes, "Okay, I'll go."

The servant bowed politely and left.

Xia Yumo took a deep breath and left the room.

The dining place is the lobby of the restaurant. In the hall, the lights are bright, and the tables and chairs in the hall are clean and tidy.

However, there are no guests.

Near the window, there are large bouquets of champagne roses on the table, and the clean tableware seems to be shining under the light.

Everything looks magnificent, and high-end consumption is almost what most women pursue.

In Xia Yumo's eyes, it looked extremely ridiculous.

Yes, she doesn't like it here.

Whether it's the people waiting for her at the table, or the environment here.

Even a long time ago, when they were still in love, their happiness was only in street stalls or food stalls.

Not this kind of place.

Times have changed, this environment, this situation, is like a satire on them.

Obviously everything has changed, but still working hard to pursue and retain the relationship that has deteriorated.

What is the point of doing this?

(End of this chapter)

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