The emperor chases his wife: a black-bellied husband clings to the door

Chapter 696 Wife and children are hot on the kang head

Chapter 696 Wife and children are hot on the kang head (4)

Xia Yumo said.

Luli Junrong turned to look at her, "You really are a grateful woman."

"That's a must."

Luli Junrong propped his chin and looked out of the window, "I also lived there when I was a child."


Xia Yumo's eyes widened suddenly, "How is that possible?! You..."

Luli Junrong still looked out of the window, "Jason and I were both brought back to the Luli family by the old man. He probably didn't mention it to you."

"Not really"

No one mentioned the Luli family.

During the few months she lived in the Luli family, she always thought that he was of the blood of the Luli family, and she was at least a cousin or something.

It turned out not to be the case.

"That's normal. I'm telling you this, just to tell you that there is not much fairness in this world. Many people are doomed to be unfair from birth, and they are doomed to live a hard life. It is you who feel sorry for you. You are kind, but you can’t be sympathetic. So, you just need to pray silently in your heart that they will get better, and don’t be overwhelmed with sympathy and do stupid things that make people worry.”

Xia Yumo took a black line and turned a big corner together, in the end it was to warn her!
The car drove about a few hundred meters and stopped suddenly.

Luli Junrong raised his eyes, "What's going on?"

The driver looked ahead and said nervously, "Someone robbed the road."

"..." Luli Junrong frowned, got out of the car and looked over, only to see a person covered in bright red, standing in the middle of the road with big eyes, and looked over defiantly.

"Mr. Han" Luli Junrong leaned on the car, squinting and looking over with a gentle gesture.

Han Zirui raised his chin, "Mr. Luli, don't think too much, I have no other intentions, I just want to meet the people in the car."

"It's not convenient for her to see you."

Luli Junrong directly refused.

Han Zirui walked over with strides, "It's not convenient for Fang, it's up to her to decide, right?"

As he spoke, he had already walked to the other side of the car and knocked on the rear window of the car.

Xia Yumo was also surprised when she saw Han Zirui, and was about to open the door to get out of the car, but Luli Junrong waved her hand and said to Han Zirui, "Mr. Han, Momo is not in good health now, if you really care She, please pay attention to your words and think clearly about what to say and what not to say."

Han Zirui pursed his lips, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"That's good."

"Then Mr. Luli, don't you mind giving me a ride?"


As soon as Han Zirui got into the car, he leaned over to Xia Yumo, "Momo, it's been a long time since I've seen you, have you forgotten me?"

"Of course not." Xia Yumo smiled, "I've been thinking, when the child is born, I'll ask you to be his godfather! How could I forget you?"

Hearing this, Han Zirui glanced at Xia Yumo's lower abdomen, a slight pain flashed in his eyes, very secretive and shallow, and was replaced by a smile in an instant, "Godfather, very good, I'm just looking forward to having a goddaughter, caring !"

"Why do you all like your daughter?"

"Must, my daughter looks like you"

Han Zirui smiled.

"I want a son who looks like Hunting."

"..." Han Zirui didn't speak.

Xia Yumo also knew that she said something she shouldn't have said, at least not in front of Han Zirui, so she had to change the subject, "By the way, why are you here?"

"Of course, I miss you. Come by and have a look."

When he said this, Luli Junrong, who was sitting in front to give way to Han Zirui, twitched the corner of his mouth.

It was obvious that he ran over to see her on purpose.

It was not easy to find his trace, Han Zirui really put in a lot of hard work!
"You guys, where are you going?"

"Go to St. Paul's Cathedral and let her relax, so that I don't cry in my ear every day that she is going to grow hair."

(End of this chapter)

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