Chapter 709 The Disappearing Bride (4)

The major newspapers, magazines and radio stations in City A were covered by another new news.

The bride-to-be of the ruler of the Ouyang family disappeared the day before the wedding, and her whereabouts are still unknown!
The rewards offered by the Ouyang family and the Luli family have reached [-] million. Even if you provide a useful clue, you can turn from a poor man into a multi-millionaire in an instant!
When City A was in full swing, in an unremarkable town in City B, narrow alleys were interspersed with old folk houses.

Jiang Yihan sat by the window, looking at the unconscious Xia Yumo with a gloomy expression.

"Boss, the car is ready, we will set off immediately."

Outside the window, a man in a black uniform spoke in a low voice, his eyes always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

"it is good"

Jiang Yihan responded concisely, and when he stood up and hugged Xia Yumo, he deliberately put a lady's big-brimmed hat on her head, covering her entire face, with only a tiny bit of her pointed chin exposed.

The car is a Jetta that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, and it is not ostentatious on the road.

Xia Yumo didn't wake up until an hour after being brought into the car, her head was a little dizzy, and what caught her eyes was the strange scenery whizzing by outside the window.

The road between the two mountains is densely populated, and at first glance it looks like a deserted road section with very few vehicles.

Where is this going, why is it here?Xia Yumo's mind slowly became flexible. When she turned her head and saw Jiang Yihan sitting beside her, she immediately became as stiff as a stone sculpture.

Jiang Yihan was also turning his head to look at her, his dark eyes flashed with an indifferent luster, mixed with some crazy emotions, which made his whole temperament look very weird.

"How could it be you?"

She clearly remembered that her handbag was snatched away by a young pickpocket, and she chased after him in a hurry. Later, the child ran into an underground parking lot, and she followed him without thinking twice.

After arriving at the parking lot, the child suddenly turned around and smiled at her, and raised the bag in his hand provocatively, showing his white teeth.

That is to say, after a moment of divine effort, the back of the head was hit and passed out.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was Jiang Yihan in front of him.

No matter how stupid your brain is, you can still guess the ins and outs of things, not to mention that your brain is not slow at all.

"Are you disappointed to see it's me?" With a cold and sarcastic tone, it seemed as if he had been pinched hard in his heart, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't extricate himself from it.

"Yihan..." Xia Yumo restrained her expression, and became more serious and determined than ever before, "Why do you do these meaningless things? I have reiterated many times, and I don't want to repeat the cliché."

Jiang Yihan's eyes were dark, filled with endless loneliness, "Then let me tell you, even though you think it doesn't make any sense, it means a lot to me."

"..." Xia Yumo stared at Jiang Yihan's expressionless face, and finally realized that no matter how much she said, she couldn't change this man's decision, so she fell silent and stopped talking.

Turning his head, he still looked out of the window, but he began to think about how to escape this time.

Jiang Yihan seemed to be able to read her mind, and said lightly, "Don't waste your time, since I have worked so hard to bring you back to my side, I won't let you go again."

"..." Xia Yumo remained silent as if she hadn't heard it at all.

Jiang Yihan didn't care, took out the tablet, stared at the screen intently, not knowing what to plan.

The car basically never stopped except for refueling, and it ran for a whole day until the evening when it stopped in a completely inconspicuous town.

Live in an unassuming hotel.

Xia Yumo found that, apart from the driver, she and Jiang Yihan were the only ones along the way.

This made her feel surprised, but also secretly rejoiced.

From her point of view, this meant that as long as Jiang Yihan was carelessly empty, she could escape.

However, Jiang Yihan seemed to see through her mind again. Although he didn't expressly point it out, he was inseparable from her and never allowed her to leave his field of vision!

【The ecstasy of the card】

(End of this chapter)

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