Chapter 711 The Disappearing Bride (6)

The body also trembled.

Just at the intersection, next to an unremarkable car, leaned against a man with a tall and straight figure, handsome features, and despair covered in indifference in his eyes, which was hard to detect.

"Jiang Yihan..."

Xia Yumo's eyes widened in panic, watching him stand up straight and push towards her step by step.

"Yes, it's me, Jiang Yihan." Jiang Yihan walked towards Xia Yumo, with a hint of sarcasm slowly appearing from the corner of his mouth, "I never believed that you have completely let go of your old feelings for me, but today I do. "

He approached her step by step, in the dim light, the blood on his chest was extremely dazzling.

"Along the way, I escaped eleven times and was captured eleven times. I still have the thought that you might leave for me. But for No. 12 times, I don't think so anymore."

"What do you want to do? Jiang Yihan, wake up, let me go, and let yourself go!"

"Let go of you, and let me go too?" Jiang Yihan suddenly smiled when he heard the words, but that smile was more uncomfortable than crying.

"Momo, I must have never told you. From the first time we met, I have already drawn a prison for you. Tell me, how can I let you go?"

There was no need for Xia Yumo to speak, he said again in a deep voice, "I won't let it go, I can't let it go, and I don't want to let it go. I'm here to take you back."

"Don't!" Xia Yumo screamed, as if deeply stimulated by the person in front of her, her whole body looked as if she was going to die.

Jiang Yihan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, the seemingly gentle smile was actually somewhat resolutely cold, as if a sudden decision had been made.

"You don't have a choice"

Half an hour later, Jiang Yihan hugged Xia Yumo, who looked slightly dull, got into the unremarkable car, and drove away quickly.

There were two bodyguards following the man into the car.

"Boss, since you're going to go back eventually, why did you make such a big circle on purpose?"

On the co-pilot, a thin and small boy asked, who looked like he was of mixed race.

"Blinding the eyes" Jiang Yihan's answer was very simple.

"Oh" the boy nodded, and glanced at Xia Yumo who was held in Jiang Yihan's arms.

Ever since he robbed her purse and led her to the underground parking lot, which resulted in her being caught beside Jiang Yihan, Jiang Yihan never left her, almost even following her to the bathroom.

During the period, he escaped many times dishonestly, and was captured by Jiang Yihan.

Just half an hour ago, she ran again, but it still failed.

However, to his surprise, this time, she stabbed the dagger into Jiang Yihan's chest with her own hands.

Until now, there are still bloodstains on the boss's chest.

As if aware of the little boy's scrutiny, Jiang Yihan gave him a cold look, "After arriving at the Cape of Good Hope, you don't have to follow me anymore. The money you get is already enough for you to leave the slums and live a better life. "

The boy murmured for a while, as if reluctant to part with him, but finally nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yihan withdrew his gaze, no longer looked at the boy, but stared intently at Xia Yumo in his arms.

After this time, he finally believed that those past mutual love had really become a thing of the past as she said.

There was no moment more clearly than this moment when he realized that he had lost Xia Yumo, the woman he had tried his best to love.

However, what he got in exchange for this kind of understanding was not his awakening, but a deeper and heavier madness.

Leaning slightly, he lowered his head and kissed Xia Yumo's lips, tossed around for a moment, then raised his head, moistness leaked from his tender eyes, and slid down the corners of his eyes.

After a while, he murmured with a half smile, "You can't leave me, Momo."

The gentle yet paranoid tone was slightly domineering, yet inexplicably chilling.

[The one who got stuck has no combat power, tears run, try my best to end tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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