Chapter 78 The Taste of Showing off

Lin Jie'er was on the side, picked out two towels, turned around and saw Qin Liya and asked Xia Yumo with some doubts, "Who is this?"

Before Xia Yumo could speak, Qin Liya introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Qin Liya, Miss Xia's friend."

Regarding Qin Liya's introduction, Xia Yumo did not agree with it, but she did not dismiss it, and only added lightly, "It is also Jiang Yihan's fiancee."

Lin Jie'er originally thought what Qin Liya said was true and planned to get to know her better, but with Xia Yumo's addition, she knew Qin Liya's subtle identity.

Immediately glanced at Xia Yumo worriedly, seeing that Xia Yumo was fine, she felt relieved, raised her lips and smiled, "Coincidentally, I am also Momo's friend."

She didn't say her name because she didn't want to really get to know Qin Liya.

She doesn't have a good impression of anyone who hurts Momo.

"Sorry, Momo and I still need to buy some things, we can talk again when we have a chance?"

Lin Jie'er did this because she didn't want Xia Yumo to be upset.

Qin Liya didn't mind Lin Jieer's alienation at all, and suggested, "Well, I also have some things to buy, why don't we go together? How about going to have a meal together after shopping?"

Xia Yumo instinctively felt that Qin Liya's visitor was not kind, but if she refused, she would appear petty, so she nodded, "Okay."

Earl's Cafe.

The beautiful piano music is flowing, and the guests in twos and threes quietly sip coffee and enjoy the beauty brought by the music, occasionally chatting in a low voice, everything looks so harmonious.

Xia Yumo, Lin Jieer took the baby and Qin Liya and chose a relatively secluded place to sit down.

The waiter politely asked them to order and leave. After a while, the rich aroma of coffee filled their nostrils.

Qin Liya stirred the coffee, but looked at Xia Yumo from time to time.

Xia Yumo's expression was calm, and she didn't care about her sizing up.

"It is said that Miss Xia used to be Yihan's girlfriend?"

Qin Liya got straight to the point and didn't go around the bush.

When the other party opened the skylight, Xia Yumo naturally spoke up, "That's right, but that's all in the past. Ms. Qin specially asked us to have coffee, isn't it just to confirm this?"

Lin Jie'er sat beside her with her baby in her arms, didn't interrupt, just listened quietly.

Occasionally, the baby would reach for the coffee cup on the table, but she only carefully retracted his hand again and again.

Qin Liya shook her index finger, "Of course not, I just want to know Yihan better."

Xia Yumo thought it was a little funny, at first Xia Yichen came to ask her to know about Ouyang's hobbies, now Qin Liya also came to ask her to know about Yihan, it's really interesting.

However, at the beginning Xia Yichen had no brains and sincerely asked her for advice, but unfortunately she found the wrong person, she didn't really know Ouyang Hanting.

Now Qin Liya is asking her for advice, but it is not out of sincerity, she can see that there is a hint of showing off in Qin Liya's eyes.

"Actually, if you really want to know him so much, it's more effective to ask him directly than to ask me."

Xia Yumo took out the coffee spoon, picked up the coffee and took a sip gracefully.

Pretend to be elegant, she will too.

"What Miss Xia said is, but I want to know about his past and everything about him. Although his future is destined to be my participation, I don't want to know nothing about his past. Once, The closest person to him is you, and I think no one is more suitable than you to help me understand his past."

(End of this chapter)

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