No regrets ninety-two

Chapter 195: Be Sold, Remember to Divide the Money

Chapter 195: Be Sold, Remember to Divide the Money (Appreciate Xie Shuyou Ao Xiaorui)
PS: The play reward in the title should be [-] rewards, the input method is wrong, the title cannot be changed, sorry. ^_^
The time without novels is hard to bear.

In the next class, Wu Xiaozheng was completely in torment. Fortunately, this class was a biology class. Being bored, he picked up the biology textbook and flipped through it.

Huh, interesting.

In the subject of biology, botany is studied in the first grade of junior high school, zoology in the second grade of junior high school, and physiology and hygiene in the third grade of junior high school.

So what Wu Xiaozheng is holding in his hand is a textbook of zoology.

This is a simple encyclopedia!
Over the past 20 years, Wu Xiaozheng has basically forgotten all the content of his sub-subject courses such as history, biology, and geography.

When he was studying these courses back then, he found them very boring, but now looking at them from the perspective of an adult, they are really interesting.

He remembered that about 98, a TV variety show "Millionaire" from the United Kingdom was based on encyclopedic knowledge quizzes, but it quickly detonated the world.

Around 2000, Asia Satellite TV in Hong Kong also introduced this program. Wu Xiaozheng, who was running around in Shenzhen at that time, was a fan of this program.

In the last episode of TV, answer 15 questions and you may become a millionaire?
This is what attracted Wu Xiaozheng, who was eager to make a fortune, the most in this show. He estimated that most of the audience should have the same mentality.

This program has also achieved great success in Asia. The hot ratings of this program on Asia Satellite TV have also triggered a wave of encyclopedia quiz-type variety shows in the mainland. Even CCTV has launched a similar program "Happy Dictionary".

Therefore, for adults, textbooks rich in encyclopedic knowledge such as history, biology, and geography are actually very attractive to read occasionally.

Wu Xiaozheng was immediately fascinated by the biology textbook.

The knowledge of protozoa, coelenterate, platyhelminth, etc. has a great attraction for him.


Suddenly a piece of chalk hit it accurately.

This is how many teachers express dissatisfaction with students who are distracted in class.

Wu Xiaozheng reluctantly raised the biology textbook in his hand, indicating that he had done nothing else, and then managed to pass.

Finally made it to the end of get out of class.

It's lunch time again.

Wu Xiaozheng reluctantly put down the book, ready to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

He suddenly found that many people were waiting for him, including Jiang Han and other girls.

It seems that we are going to have a group to eat again.

This is a natural thing.

Everyone feels that being with Wu Xiaozheng is very solid and has a sense of security. Since they all have to eat, why not go together?
Because of what happened this morning, everyone vaguely regarded Wu Xiaozheng as the backbone, and class 1 of the second grade of junior high school unexpectedly united a lot.

Wu Xiaozheng didn't mind this, he also liked the lively atmosphere with many people.

He took the lead and walked out of the classroom, and then he saw Hong Yumeng and Yang Yingru pushing and shoving at the door of the second class, and they stopped immediately when they saw him.

Wu Xiaozheng thought it was just a coincidence. After taking a glance, he didn't stop and continued to walk outside.

The other students followed quickly, and then started to hurt Wu Xiaozheng again.

Too many interesting things happened to Wu Xiaozheng today.

Not to mention the canteen incident.

First, in the Chinese class, Wu Xiaozheng even teased Mr. Wen and said that he would take the road of self-taught.

Then I was reading novels in math class, and the teacher found out that I was fine.

Later, the book was confiscated by the English teacher and bargained by the teacher.

Then there is the chalk stub in biology class.

All this shows that Wu Xiaozheng is very bold and mischievous now.

At the age of the second year of junior high school, the nature of the students is to be mischievous. In their eyes, discipline is used to violate, and teachers are used to contradict, it just depends on who is brave.

As for grades, they haven't been taken too seriously by everyone.

The instinct to play is not lost, this is the difference between junior high school students and high school students.

So in everyone's eyes, Wu Xiaozheng's mischievous ability is far more popular than his good grades.

It was precisely because they thought he could play that everyone started to hurt him.

Loss is also a way of expressing friendship.

Wu Xiaozheng shook his head helplessly.

The reason why so many things happened today is really not that he wanted to do this. It's just that after his rebirth, he can't adapt to the rhythm of school life for the time being, and he doesn't want to give up this rare experience, so there are so many accidents occur.

Indeed, because I am different from other students, I will make myself look different, and Wu Xiaozheng is also very helpless about this.

Perhaps this alternative has to continue.

Then a voice came from behind him: "Wu Xiaozheng, stop."

Everyone followed Wu Xiaozheng to a stop, and turned around.

It was the long-legged girl who yelled, and she was dragging Silly Baitian to follow.

Wu Xiaozheng looked at Hong Yumeng wonderingly.

Hong Yumeng tugged Yang Yingru again.

Yang Yingru really didn't want to be this cannon fodder, especially in front of so many people.

But when the situation came to an end, she didn't back down anymore, she stepped forward generously, and said, "Wu Xiaozheng, you have to apologize to me."

Silly Baitian's voice sounded soft, but Wu Xiaozheng was a little puzzled: "I apologize to you? Why?"

"You knew about that in the morning, but you didn't remind me, which made me look ugly, so you have to apologize."

Yang Yingru's thinking is very clear, and her articulation is also very sharp, but it doesn't sound like questioning, but begging.

There is such a logic?

Wu Xiaozheng was confused by the silly Baitian's words, but after seeing Hong Yumeng who was snickering behind Yang Yingru, he probably understood what was going on.

Silly Baitian was taken advantage of by her black-bellied long legs again!
God, how can there be such a simple girl in the world, she is the kind who is sold by a dark girl and counts the money for her!
If Wu Xiaozheng was in a good mood, maybe he would tease this girl, because teasing such a simple girl is like teasing a child, absolutely fun.

But too many things happened today, and there were so many people waiting to have dinner with him, Wu Xiaozheng was not in the mood.

"Let me tell you a few words."

Wu Xiaozheng stretched out his hand to point at the black girl, and said, "It's her who made you look ugly, not me. You should settle accounts with the right master."

"Also, I would like to warn you again, if you are sold by her, you must remember to ask her to share the money."

After saying this, Wu Xiaozheng turned around and left, not bothering to pay attention to the reactions of Silly Baitian and Belly Black Girl.

This kind of girl is still too young and too high school to attract his interest at all, plus they are not his classmates, Wu Xiaozheng has no need to take care of their emotions.

Remember to share the money when it is sold?What does it mean?
Yang Yingru stood there stupidly, a little confused.

In her world, it is the line between home and school. At home, her parents pamper her carefully. At school, except for Hong Yumeng who often teases her, no other classmates have ever said such adult words to her. .

To put it bluntly, the previous Yang Yingru was protected a little too well. In her world, everything was beautiful, clean, and simple.

Hong Yumeng, on the other hand, was furious again.

That guy is a little too proud!
 Sorry for the late update today.

  It rained heavily last night, and the windows were not closed tightly, which caused the laptop keyboard to float in the rain, and it was useless to type garbled characters.I had to pull out the hard drive and use the old computer to update it. Now the old computer needs to install software to code, so I have three shifts today, and I still have to see if there is any progress in the code in the afternoon.Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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