No regrets ninety-two

Chapter 925 Internet Age

Chapter 925 Internet Age

The Internet age is coming!
This was Wu Xiaozheng's first reaction after hearing what Ni Guangnan said just now.

In his previous life, Wu Xiaozheng basically had nothing to do with the computer industry, so he didn't know the specific process of the development of the Internet in China.

But he can be sure that once China starts to connect to the Internet, the development of this area will enter the fast lane.

He still remembers that around 96, there would be a company called Yinghaiwei, which would become famous all over the country. Become a well-known company listed on NASDAQ.

After that, there were later giants such as Baidu and Ali.

Wu Xiaozheng still remembers that the first time he used QQ seemed to be around 99.


The Internet age is really coming soon, but Wu Xiaozheng didn't expect it to come so fast, which made him feel a little sense of urgency immediately.

To be honest, if he doesn't have too much idea and pursuit in this area, he doesn't need to worry too much. This is because around the year 2000, there will be a famous saying in the field of Internet applications: the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves ahead Die on the beach.

This refers to the first batch of companies involved in Internet applications, including Yinghaiwei and the famous 8848, who eventually fell on the beach as pathfinders. Found some new ways, and gradually developed.

Therefore, if Wu Xiaozheng is more cautious, he can definitely start to make a strong start in three or four years.

But Wu Xiaozheng didn't want to do that.

You know, his goal in the field of the Internet is really too big, he wants to take all the business that will make money for future generations.

Therefore, he must prepare early, especially in terms of technical reserves, and once the time is right, he has to launch suitable applications.

So now is the time to step into the field.

But problems followed.

By the beginning of next month, although China will have the first dedicated line to access the Internet, it will only be a trial run by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and there will be a certain time lag between China's official access to the Internet.

This means that it is very likely that within a year, the country will not yet have the conditions to access the Internet.

He couldn't even access the Internet, how could Wu Xiaozheng ask Zhu Linan to make technical reserves?Even the most basic test environment can't be built!

Wu Xiaozheng immediately realized that if he wants to get involved in the Internet now, he must first make reserves and try abroad. You must know that in the field of Internet development, Europe and the United States are several years ahead of China. At the beginning, many applications are in foreign countries First come out, and then China will imitate.

In this way, Wu Xiaozheng's trip abroad should be accelerated even more.

In terms of Internet application, the technical difficulty is actually not that big, what is important is the direction of application development.

As a reborn person, Wu Xiaozheng, wouldn't it be a serious waste if he didn't make full use of the experience of his previous life to personally grasp the direction of application development?

Alas, time is running out!

Wu Xiaozheng doesn't know, some very important applications, is there anyone abroad who is already working on them?
Like Yahoo or something?

The Internet age has indeed come, and 1993 will be a critical year in the history of the Internet.

This year, at the National Supercomputer Application Center of the University of Illinois in Illinois, USA, a browser called Mosaic is being tested. Although this browser is only in the testing stage, it has been welcomed by many people.

Everyone found that with this browser, surfing the Internet has become much more convenient and simpler.

If Wu Xiaozheng was reborn as a computer professional, he would know that this browser called Mosaic was the later famous Netscape browser.

In the next few years, the Netscape browser will also have a life-and-death battle with the IE browser that Microsoft will launch later, and because the Netscape browser failed in the battle, it will eventually lead to Netscape, which once had a market value of tens of billions. The company is on the road to dissolution.

At this time, Wu Xiaozheng did not know that the Mosaic browser had already been released, which meant the advent of the era of Internet surfing.

But someone knows.

At Stanford University in the United States, there was a Chinese student named Jerry Yang.

In the eyes of those who are familiar with him, Yang Zhiyuan, who is active in thinking and good at communication, is not diligent in his studies, and even a little lazy, but he has a strange hobby, that is, he likes surfing the Internet. Surfing the Internet with the computer.

Yang Zhiyuan now uses the Mosaic browser to surf the Internet.

However, he feels that the Internet is still a bit inconvenient.

Because there are more and more new websites, remembering domain names has become a hassle.

In order to find information conveniently, he had to prepare a notebook specially for writing down numerous domain names.

But later he found that as more and more domain names were written down, it became a troublesome thing for him to find the domain name he wanted.

As a last resort, he had to sort out these domain names again, classify them by category, and put conspicuous labels on his notebook.

At this moment, he was thinking, is it possible to set up a website to collect all the domain names and show them to other surfers?
This seems like a great idea!

Jerry Yang had the idea of ​​building a website by himself.

At the same time, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, there was an international student from China named Zhang Chaoyang. At this time, he also became a surfing enthusiast.

It's just that he is preparing his doctoral dissertation, and the purpose of surfing the Internet is just to find the information he wants.

At this time, he did not expect that the Internet would completely change his life and career in the future.


It can be said that on the other side of the ocean, the launch of the Mosaic browser has affected many, many young people, especially those who are in school, have time and ideas, and pursue new trends.

A few years later, among these young people, some of them quickly stood out because of their unique ideas, slowly established their own businesses, and soon became the envy of many practitioners in traditional industries.

These people later had a proper term called Internet upstarts.

Among them are Yang Zhiyuan and Zhang Chaoyang who are surfing now.

Two years later, YAHOO founded by Jerry Yang will be launched, and will eventually grow into an Internet company with huge influence all over the world.

After four years, Zhang Chaoyang will return to China and found the famous

For the current Wu Xiaozheng, he has already lagged behind when it comes to surfing the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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