Chapter 26

Chapter 30

"Oh." Xie snorted coldly.

After Xi followed the waiter away, a devilish smile appeared on Wei Wei's face.

After 30 minutes, the waiter brought Xie downstairs.

"Wow, Xi, you are so beautiful." Seeing Xi after makeup, Wei Wei couldn't help admiring.

"Why do you do that?" Hee asked.

"The answer is later, you will find out later." Wei just smiled at Xi, without saying anything.

Hehe, Xi at this moment is like a fairy, even though she has put on makeup, she still looks very beautiful.

Wei takes Xi to a very beautiful lake for lovers.

"Why are you here?" Xi asked again.

"You'll know later." Wei still smiled, took Xi's hand and walked towards a gazebo.

The people in the gazebo saw Wei and immediately waved to Wei Zhao.

"Zhe? Chen?" Mouxi asked in surprise.

"Hi sister." Zhe smiled at Xie.

"Hi Xi." Chen put down the water in his hand and rushed to hug Xi.

"You are so strange." Xi cast a glance at the two of them.

"Okay, okay, don't waste time." Zhe cast a look at Chen, and when Chen received it, he immediately let go of Xi.

"We'll take you somewhere." Zhe and Chen said at the same time.

"Ah." Xi looked at the two in disbelief.

"Don't look at us with this expression, you'll know later." The two of them smiled wickedly.

The two took Xi around, around, around, around...

"Hey." Hee yelled at them angrily.

"What's wrong?" Chen asked concerned.

"Playing with me?" Xi's eyes sparkled with anger.

"We dare not, look, here we are." The two pointed to the bridge 40 meters away from them in front of them.

"There's no one there." Xi looked left and right, but there was no one on the bridge.

"You knew it in the past, well, let's go first." The two ran away immediately after speaking.

Xi walked towards the bridge curiously.

As soon as Xi walked to the side of the bridge, he was already frightened by something.

There are red rose petals all over the bridge. If you look carefully, you will find that those rose petals have formed a big love heart.

Xi covered her mouth and moved her footsteps slowly. At this time, she found three big characters of "I love you" made of rose petals beside her.

"Xi, do you like it?" Ze suddenly appeared from behind Xie.

"Ze? Did you do it?" Xi turned around and looked at Ze in surprise.

"Of course I did it." Ze walked behind Xi and smiled.

"You dead pig, pig head, big stupid pig." Xi immediately turned around and hugged Ze.

"Hey, I'm surprised and touched." Ze smiled and pinched Xi's face.

"Hmph, whoever is surprised is moved." Xi pretended to be serious.

"Really?" Ze also pretended to be sad.

"Ah, me, me, me." Seeing that Ze was sad, Xi became anxious.

"Xi." Ze looked at Xi with a pitiful expression.

"Okay, okay, it's true." Xi gave in to Ze.

"Haha," Ze laughed when he heard that Xi had been fooled.

"You, you, you lied to me." Xi said jokingly.

"I'm ignoring you." Xi shook Ze away and turned to leave.

Seeing this situation, Ze immediately ran over to hug Xi, and suddenly kissed Xi on the lips. Xi remained motionless and looked at Ze with wide eyes.

"Shut up." Ze didn't speak very clearly, but Xi could hear it.

"Oh." Xi closed his eyes obediently, and slowly responded to Ze.

After 10 minutes, "Xi, I love you." Ze said affectionately while holding Xi's hand.

"I" Xicai said a word, but Ze covered it with his hands.

"Listen to me first." Ze put down his hands and said to Xi.

"I actually fell in love with you when I first met you. I lied to you when I told you that I had a girlfriend. Over the years, I have always liked you. No, it should be called love. Hee, do you know? I'm already in love with you, love you beyond redemption. When I know you have a boyfriend, do you know how much my heart hurts? I hate that man, hate him no I will cherish you, hate him and won't believe you. I" Ze looked into Xi's eyes and said, tears also fell down.

"Ze, don't talk about it, I'm actually..." Before Xixi could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a ringtone.

"I'll answer the phone." Xi smiled apologetically at Ze.

Xi picked up the phone and saw that the caller ID was from Dad, doubts arose in his mind.

"Dad." Xi said expressionlessly.

"Xi'er, your mother." Xi's father said nervously.

"What's wrong?" Xie's tone changed.

"Your mother is on the road today." Father Xi's voice was trembling.

"Tell me, what's wrong with her?" Xi asked nervously.

"Your mother was in a car accident." Father Xi said in a tearful tone.

Hearing this, Xi immediately fainted, and Ze rushed over to hug Xi when he saw it.

In the distance, Ze saw Xi fainted, and immediately rushed over to hug Xi.He saw many bean-sized beads of sweat on Zai Xi's forehead, something must have happened, Ze didn't care so much, he directly carried Xi into the car, and hurriedly drove to Yuchi's private hospital.

Yuchi Private Hospital...

Ze hurriedly carried Xi into the hospital, and it was obvious that he was in a hurry.

"Doctor! Come here quickly! Speed!" Ze hugged Xizhi in a princess-style hug and rushed towards the hospital.

The patients and nurses in the hospital corridor all looked at Ze, and everyone wondered who is that girl?To actually make the young master of Yuchi's family so nervous.

"Master, please follow me." Seeing Master Yuchi running over in a hurry, the doctor gestured for Ze to carry the "patient" to the advanced ward.

"Doctor, let's see how she is doing." Ze put Xi gently on the bed.The movement is very light, like glass, for fear that it will break if you are not careful.

"Yes! I'll check this lady right away." The doctor said to Ze respectfully.Then he hurriedly checked Xi.

Ten minutes later, "What's going on?" Ze asked nervously, grabbing the doctor's arm.

"Master Yuchi, this young lady fainted because she was stimulated. There is nothing wrong and she will wake up soon." The doctor told Ze all about the examination.

"Oh, that's it, you guys go out first." Ze took a breath, but he was fine.

Several doctors walked out one after another, and closed the door of the ward casually.

Ze looked at the person lying on the bed...with a pale face and many bean-sized beads of sweat.Could it be that something big happened?

Ze held Xi's tender little hand tightly with his left hand... and then wiped Xi's sweat with his right hand.

"Xi'er. Xi'er..." a middle-aged woman's voice called out.

"Mom? Mom? Mom, what's wrong with you, where are you?" Xi looked around.But all around was pitch black.

"Xi'er, Xi'er..." the voice kept calling.

"Mom! Where are you? Come out! Mom, stop joking, Xi'er can't lose you! Mom..." Xi looked left and right, hoping to see her mother, was all dark.

"Mom... Where are you... You don't want me anymore..." Xie's legs softened, and he knelt down, tears streaming down his face, drop by drop...

In that long dream, like a bad news, it made Xi very painful.Yuchi Hanze at the side looked at the person in front of him, lost in thought.

What is it that made you like this?Xi'er, I really hope you can wake up right now and tell what happened. I want to share with you. I don't want you to bear the pain alone, you know?Ze looked at Xi with a distressed face, anyone could see how much he cared about her.

"Mom, where are you, what happened? Mom..."

"Answer me quickly, mom, mom, mom!"

"You talk, you talk..."

It was pitch-black all around, and I saw Xi screaming heart-piercingly in that pitch-black space alone.This dream is just like reality... The helpless Xie knelt down on the ground, supporting his body with his hands, like a stone statue that was about to collapse.

The door of Peng's ward was slammed open, and Chen, Wei, and Zhe rushed to Xi's bed, and looked at Xi lying on the bed with incomprehensible eyes.

"Do you know what happened?" Not a question, but an affirmative sentence.Ze raised his head and looked at the three people in front of him, hoping to give him an explanation.

"This..." Chen was obviously frightened by Ze's words, and dared not continue.

"Say it!" Ze roared, and it could be heard from his tone that he was already very angry.

The three looked at each other, sighed, and their eyes dimmed.

"Why don't you tell me? Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" Ze stood up excitedly like crazy, and ran to Zhe and shouted.

"Can you calm down?" Zhe's tone became a little low.

"Calm down? How do you want me to be calm?"

"Yuchi Hanze! If you want to know about Xi, you must listen to him quietly!" Wei Wei's anger also rose.

"Okay, let's talk." Sure enough, Wei's words were very effective.This made Ze immediately calm down, which shows how important Dexi is to him.

"My mother, there was a car accident. The mastermind is Han Meili. The person we hate the most."

Hearing this, Ze's anger seemed to increase a lot, which made him motivated towards the woman who hurt Xie.

"Han Meili's purpose is to put our family to death."

At this moment, Ze's hand was clenched into a fist, and his tendons were also exposed... He is very angry, right?They all know.

"Death? Hehe, I want to see who dies first! Whoever touches my woman will die!"

"Brother Yu, take a look, how about this set?" Nuoni was wearing a wedding dress and dangling in front of Ye Xingyu. She was not tired, but he was tired.

"Hehe, it's so pretty, who are you going to marry?" Yu looked at Noni with a "who?"Noni curled her lips, covered her face and ran upstairs shyly.The three sitting on the sofa looked at her back in a daze...

What does she want to do?Why did you ask me this kind of question for no reason? Could it be that she has taken a fancy to someone rich?Still... Yu was thinking about the question just now in his mind, and no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why she had to wear a wedding dress to show her.

"Yu, I definitely want to get engaged to you!" Yang yelled with a snap of his fingers.Yu who was on the side heard him say that, his eyes were on fire, and he cast a "speak softly!" expression to signal Yang.Yang froze for a moment, then nodded foolishly.

"Is that the order? Parents agree?" Xuan Ruo thought.

"I think it must be planned, hehe, we are so handsome, it is their blessing to be engaged to them!" Mou Yang began to be proud and narcissistic again.

plan?If they really did this, was the previous thing also planned?Didn't Xixi and the others just... misunderstand?Yu, who was sitting calmly thinking, came up with a series of questions in his mind, all about Yuxi and the others, did he misunderstand?This is still an unknown.

In the white ward, there was a pale girl lying on the bed, and a boy sitting on the other side of the bed, that was Ze.

Ze held Hee's hand tightly, his eyes fixed on her closed eyes.It seemed to be waiting for her to wake up... Around, three people were sitting on the sofa, all their eyes were on the happy "little couple".

It's so sweet, if only I had such a good man, who can always be by my side when I'm sick... It's a pity, no Xi's life is good!Mouwei sighed in her heart, how she wished that she also had such a man who cared about herself to take care of herself.

Chen glanced at Wei Wei who was immersed in "fantasy", and secretly smiled in her heart.Just like herself, Wei Wei doesn't have such a good life. She also hopes to meet a caring and good man like Ze!Seeing Xi is happy, she is also satisfied now, after all, Xi has also been hurt by others...

Cough...a coughing sound startled everyone in the audience.Everyone looked in the direction, Xi woke up!
After seeing Xi Xing, Ze was the first to get excited. He who was originally weak suddenly became full of energy.Ze gently supported Xi on the bedpost of the hospital bed, and then asked in a very gentle tone: "Xi'er, are you okay? Is there any discomfort? Tell me, I'll call the doctor."

"Water..." Xi said in a hoarse voice, very softly.But for Ze, he was audible.

After Ze Xiang heard the order, he stood up and rushed to the water dispenser to fetch warm water for Xi.After receiving the water, Xi only took a sip before handing it to Ze, signaling him to drink some water too.Ze drank the rest of the water as if he knew telepathy.

"Hee, are you okay?"

"Hey, are you feeling better?"

"Sister, do you still drink water? Brother fetches water for you."

Chen, Wei and Zhe walked up to Wenxi who was very concerned.

Hee just smiled and said nothing.The three looked at each other suspiciously, and then at Xiang Ze together.

Ze also smiled as if he knew something, and said, "Xi said, don't worry, she's fine."

The three of them said in unison, and quickly nodded to express their understanding.

"Okay, I'll start planning when I go back tonight, about Ye Xingyu, Ouyang Xuan, Chen Yiyang, and the other three women." Ze told the ignorant three.


"no problem!"

"Oh Well"

(End of this chapter)

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