Chapter 29 Rejection
Chapter 33 Rejection
"Xi, my..." Before he finished speaking, Ze pulled Xi up and kissed her lips.

Xi was bewildered, and looked at Ze's perfect handsome face that was magnified a hundred times.Ze's mouth moved a few times, as if talking about something, Xie sensed it, and immediately closed his eyes to respond to him...the two... just like that, kissing affectionately.

"Mr. Xi, there is a contract today. It is a contract with the Ye Group, the Ouyang Group, and the Chen Group. If this contract is negotiated, it will be of great help to our Huangfu Enterprise, and in terms of popularity. It can be more seesaw. Mr. Xi, do you want to think about it?"

In the general manager's office, the secretary told Xi earnestly, as if she was announcing that the contract must be signed, and it would be of great help if signed.

"You mean Ye Xingyu, Ouyang Xuan, Chen Yiyang?"

Hearing what the secretary said, Xi felt that it should be them, because how could other small companies that have not been on the world rankings dare to negotiate a contract with Huangfu Group?Besides, can other groups have the capital to talk to their Huangfu Group?That is absolutely impossible.Therefore, only they can have this ability.

"Mr. Xi, it's them! Moreover, this time it's their future heirs who proposed the contract."

After finishing speaking, the secretary placed a contract lightly on Xi's desk, and even turned over the important page for Xi to read.Following the secretary's instructions, Xi carefully looked at that page...

"Hmph, tell them I'll be there."

Xi, who had just finished reading, left in a hurry, leaving only the secretary standing there wondering.Why is Hee always like this?
Huangfu Jiaxi hurried home, and the servants, butler and bodyguards all saluted when they saw his lady and shouted: "Hello, miss!" in the room.Wei, Zhe, and Ze in the hall looked at Xi's back blankly, and they were all puzzled in their hearts, what's wrong with Xi?Why are you anxious like ants on a hot pan?Is something important happening?Now even Ze who knows Xi can't see what Xi is thinking.

In Chen's room, Chen was playing World of Warcraft on the Internet, and when she was very excited, she was startled by Xi's push on the door.

"Hee...hee...what are you doing? Scared me to death!"

Chen patted her chest lightly, and continued to take deep breaths, as if she had some kind of illness.It seems that Xi is not that scary, right?

"They're looking for us!"

Walking in front of Chen, he looked at Chen seriously, this expression told Chen that Xi was not joking, but serious!So I have to answer Xi seriously, not joking, otherwise Xi will get angry, and I don't know how miserable I will be.

"Oh, what shall we do? Are we going to meet?"

"One, they signed a contract with our Huangfu Group this time, and what they signed was exactly what we needed. Second, their contract said that they must bring me, you, and Wei, otherwise the contract will be invalid."

"What... what do they mean?"

"I think they should have secretly investigated us, otherwise, how would they know about our situation. Moreover, they may have something to tell us. You decide whether to go or not! Maybe you don't want to see them, maybe you I don’t want to continue this relationship, if you have decided, please come and tell me, I respect your choice. Don’t care about the contract, our Huangfu Group won’t collapse so easily, don’t worry.”

"But... Hee, I..."

"Don't worry about it, just think about your relationship right now. Tell Wei, and let me know when you're done thinking about it." Before Chen could finish speaking, Xi interrupted her.After saying this, Xi broke through the door, leaving Chen alone thinking...

Now that Xi has said so, I should think carefully about whether or not I want to be with that stinky guy.Last time, he didn't believe her because of that incident. In his Ouyang Xuan's eyes, what was she, Lan Yuchen?What couples need is mutual trust!He, Ouyang Xuan, didn't believe him, instead he believed in these sluts!Thinking of this incident, I was really pissed off.Damn, hate, hate, hate!But, is he awakened now?Know what you did wrong?But isn't he getting engaged?Then why did you come to provoke her, Lan Yuchen?Can't she find a man who truly loves herself, takes good care of herself, and protects herself?Now, I also found that I like him a little bit, and I still can't forget him, but...does he still like me?Maybe he already likes someone else, maybe this time it's because he wants to call him over to see how happy he is now... No, he still can't let go of Ouyang Xuan... What should I do?Are you going?Maybe he really knew he was wrong and came to ask her to forgive?If so, wouldn't that be a missed opportunity?Okay, it's decided like this, I must go, no matter what it is, I have to listen to him, whether or not the relationship should continue this time depends on luck...!
After thinking about it, Chen finally figured it out, and she decided to face it.Whether it is to divide or continue, we must face it!Just like that, he ran downstairs in the morning and called Wei to his room, and told him everything and his thoughts.Wei Wei thought about it for a while, and agreed, both of them originally thought the same thing.

"Hee Hee, we figured it out! Let's face it."

"Yes, yes, let's face it!"

The two hurried to Xi's room, and immediately shouted at Xi excitedly.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Xi frowned. In fact, he didn't expect that the two of them could choose to face it.I thought they didn't need it anymore and changed their taste.

"We're sure!"

Chen and Wei said in unison.

"Well, let's do it like this. Tonight, I'll call you, and you should be mentally prepared."

Looking at the happy faces of my good friends, I am also a little happy, hehe, they just need to be excited.

"Xi, how do you and Ye Xingyu solve it?"

The brainless Wei suddenly asked such a question.

"Hehe, him? Be friends! Besides this, what else can you do? Cheating? I won't do it."

Faced with such a question, Xi smiled at them both with a natural smile.

"Ahaha, that's right, you've got Ze! Well, well, everyone is excited, Xi. Let's go get ready."

Chen blew a kiss to Xi, took Wei's hand and rushed back to her room in a hurry.Looking at these two people, Xi shook his head helplessly, and he was back to the way he was before...

Jiawei Western Restaurant.

The three boys have long been waiting for the three "heroines" tonight. Tonight, they are dressed very stylishly. Yang is dressed like a sunny guy, and Xuan is dressed more to show his elegance. Temperament, and Yu, dressed very casually, looks a bit lazy.

"Hey, Yu, do you think they will come or not?"

Yang seemed a little impatient, after all, he had been waiting for them for more than an hour.

"It should come."

Yu said very calmly, even calmer than Brother Danding.This skill is not built!
"Just wait patiently. After all, it's our fault this time. You have to be sincere when you admit your mistakes."

Xuan picked up the glass of red wine on the table and drank it down in one gulp, then took the goblet and dangled it in front of his eyes.

In Xi's room, the three girls were discussing how to "escape", because they were afraid that Ze and Zhe would know, so they had to act secretly.And tonight, Ze is watching TV in the lobby, and Zhe is watering the flowers in the garden, both of which are the only way to go out!It would be miserable to go directly to the lobby and be discovered by Ze, and it would be equally miserable to be seen by Zhe in the garden if he jumped out of the window!Now, besides these two paths, where is the choice?
"Hey, what do you think we should do?"

Wei Wei was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, wandering around Xi's room all the time, making people dazzled.

"That's how it is, go straight down, just say we're going to eat western food, and we'll be back later." Xi Yin smiled...

Downstairs, Ze was lying on the sofa, changing channels frantically with the remote control in his hand. I said, the life of the remote control should be coming to an end soon.hehe……

Xi, Chen, and Wei leisurely walked past Ze, as usual, without any expression, one after another, they were about to walk out of the hall, when suddenly, Ze called out: "What do you want?" Those words scared the three of them into cold sweat... speechless.

Ze sat up, threw the remote control to the other side of the sofa, put on his slippers and walked in front of the three of them, keeping his eyes on them.They didn't dare to look up and kept their heads down, like a child who made a mistake.

"You want to go out?" Ze asked them with a smile on his face.Why does this sound a bit dark?

"Yes, let's go eat western food and come back later."

The three of them shared the reasons they had just designed to say together.

"Western food? Oh, which one?"

"We don't know, let's see which one is delicious."

Wei Wei said something nonsense without even thinking about it. This reason is true. !
"Is Xi going too?" Ze cast his eyes on Chen.

"Yes, Xi also went."

Chen excitedly told Ze that Ze turned his attention to Xi again, meaning to ask if Xi was real?Xi also saw it, and nodded vigorously.

"Since Xi is here, well, it's approved. Come back early, don't lose my Xi, you know? If Xi does something wrong, you two will look good. Do you understand?"

Hearing that Ze agreed to them, Chen He nodded slightly excitedly, took Xi's hand and ran away in a flash. Before "leaving", he even blew Ze a kiss.But they don't know, actually Ze, hehehehehe...

Huhuhuhu, the three of them were panting heavily, because they almost ran over, because they didn't dare to drive their own cars, and Ze and Zhe were in charge of them even driving.Even if they don't drive, they are not used to sitting in a taxi, so they have to run over with difficulty.Fortunately, their mobile phones can find the route, otherwise they might not arrive after 12 o'clock!
"Chen, Wei, get ready."

Xi turned around and gave Chen and Wei a thumbs up, which meant to cheer them up.What Xi can do now is to give them courage.

"OK, thank you."

"Thank you."

Hearing Xi cheer them up, Chen and Wei immediately looked at Xi with a "courageous" expression.

The three of them walked into Jiawei Western Restaurant side by side, and when they arrived at the service counter, they walked up slightly and asked, "Miss, where is the young master of the Ye Group?"

"Oh, you mean Young Master Ye? Come, this way please. We have been waiting for a long time!"

Hearing Ye Xingyu's question, the waitress immediately put down her work and helped lead the way. The three girls also followed closely behind the waitress.

The waiter stopped in the No. 1 box room, and made a gesture of invitation in front of the door, signaling the three to go in.The three took a breath and walked in calmly.

"Well...they're here." Xuan was the first to notice the arrival of the three girls, feeling a little agitated.

"Nani!" Yu Heyang became nervous when he heard them coming, and almost dropped the red wine in his hand.

The three came in, pretended to be calm and sat down on the chair, and looked at the three boys in front of them with a calm expression. In fact, Wei and Chen were very nervous, and Xie was also a little nervous.

Dead silence... Dead silence... Dead silence... Dead silence... The atmosphere is very bad, no one speaks, and there is no sound.

"Well, what's the call?" At the most critical moment, Xie said something to break the bad atmosphere.

"Hehe, hehe, of course it's a contract!" Yang dumped a contract on the table without knowing when.

Xi stared at the contract on the table, picked it up, opened it to read, and finally signed Huangfuxi on the last page of the contract.After signing the contract, Xi handed the contract to Yang. Yang took the contract and threw it on the sofa next to him.

"Is there anything else? Let's go." Xi pretended to get up, but was stopped by Yu at this moment.Xie pretended to look at the three boys as if there was something else to do, but actually Xie wanted them to be direct and not hesitate.

"Well, last time we made you angry, we misunderstood you. We wanted you to forgive us, and we found out that we forgive the three women for messing around behind their backs, and let the three of us get engaged to We misunderstood you, can you come back to us?"

Yu lowered his head and finished this sentence very quickly, as if he had memorized specially memorized lines, he finished speaking in a whiz, and he was very fluent.

Seeing Yu like this, Xie smiled slightly, with an indifferent expression on his face.As for Chen and Wei, they clasped their hands tightly, they were waiting for Xuan and Yang to talk.

"Chen, please allow me to call you that. I'm really sorry about what happened last time. I misunderstood you. I hope you can forgive me and come back to me, okay?"

"Wei, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't believe your words, I don't want to lose you, can you come back to me?"

Seeing that Chen He was silent, Xuan Heyang spoke out the truth in his heart.Hearing what they said, Chen and Wei seemed to react a little, their expressionless faces now slowly revealed a smile.

"Did you forgive me?"

Seeing Chen Hewei's smile, Xuan Heyang became a little excited.In order to know the answer, I couldn't wait to ask.

"Well, I'll think about it!"

On the surface, Chen and Wei pretended to be considering whether to continue being together, but in fact they had already agreed in their hearts, and they couldn't be happier.I think that certain two people probably won't be able to sleep tonight... There's no way, why are they so excited right now?

The answer they heard was to think about it, both Xuan and Yang looked at Chen and Wei with pitiful looks, like a puppy without food looking at its owner.His eyes were wide open, and there were tears in them.Chen and Wei couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to tell them the real answer in their hearts.

"Okay, I forgive you, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again!"

Chen got up and walked to Xuan's side, and with all her strength, knocked on Xuan's hair.It took 10 seconds for Xuan to react, rubbing his head vigorously with his hands.He still had an expression on his face that wanted to eat Chen, but Chen made a fierce expression, which scared Xuan back to that pitiful look again.Seeing the couple reconcile, the people next to them were happy for them, and everyone was happy.

"That Wei, I think..." Yang wanted to ask Wei Wei to forgive again, but before he finished speaking, Wei took the initiative to kiss Yang. Yang was still a little surprised at first, thinking it was a dream, but thinking about it, this is real of!It can't be a dream!Yang Ye hugged Wei tightly, and the two kissed passionately right here...

(End of this chapter)

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